Some ruin with a name

Mortal Irons [309]

Click here for Original Image Shadowbringers [5.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers. Mortal Irons So whats special about this place? I’m sorry its just that there’s so many locations in ruins and it makes me wonder why these people even bother venturing beyond the safety of the Crystal Tower. Anyways, I don’t have anything else to mention for today. I hope you folks have a good day/night!

May 25, 2023 · 1 min · 67 words · Rook Gale
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Inviolate Witness [308]

Click here for Original Image Shadowbringers [5.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers. Inviolate Witness What did it witness, its demise? On a serious note it appears this place was left fairly ontouch since its on some pillar-like landscape that is only accesible to a broken bridge. Anyways, I’m fairly tired and want to get some sleep. Before I bring this post to an end lets mention the status of the RMA for the Steam Deck....

May 24, 2023 · 2 min · 386 words · Rook Gale
Where wolves lurk

Wolves of Shadow [307]

Click here for Original Image Shadobringers [5.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers. Wolves of Shadow Not so much shadow and more so on rain. I wonder what value there was to this place. There’s a fair amount of ruins in this zone that seems fairly vital stuff. I suppose the threats they had to deal with were far too great. One funny thing that had happened was that this patch almost prevented me on getting a screenshot for today....

May 23, 2023 · 2 min · 242 words · Rook Gale
A rather poor screenshot for this point of interest

The Ostall Imperative [306]

Click here for Original Image Shadowbringers [5.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers. The Ostall Imperative Unsurprisingly I left out quite a lot for this point of interest. There’s a pretty tall watchtower just a bit towards the left of this screenshot. I was a bit uncertain as to how I want to take this screenshot. It didn’t really help that I had less than 30 minutes to take said shot considering the server was about to enter maintenance....

May 22, 2023 · 5 min · 947 words · Rook Gale
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Laxan Loft [305]

Click here for Original Image Shadowbringers [5.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers. Laxan Loft So a week has passed and it feels like nothing has changed… I didn’t really have any grand plans or anything. I did make an explicit rule where I can’t touch the blog for any reason since the past week. This whole week was partly meant to serve as an opportunity to relax from the blog and other responsibilities....

May 21, 2023 · 2 min · 424 words · Rook Gale