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Shadowbringers [5.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers.

The Ostall Imperative

Unsurprisingly I left out quite a lot for this point of interest. There’s a pretty tall watchtower just a bit towards the left of this screenshot. I was a bit uncertain as to how I want to take this screenshot. It didn’t really help that I had less than 30 minutes to take said shot considering the server was about to enter maintenance.

Eitherway, I think its an interesting shot mainly because of the Crystal Tower. Fun fact, I’ve never taken a clear shot of the Crystal Tower during my time in A Realm Reborn which is odd. I had to actually double check my screenshots to see if I ever did during that time and I guess not. Very odd to now show a screenshot of it 3 expansions later. I won’t delve into too much about the Crystal Tower. Just know that it has a certain level of importance.

Steam Deck

Not that long ago I mentioned about making some repairs on my Steam Deck. Unfortunately, I learned that it was an issue that I was unable to repair. While I did implement a temporary solution. It barely lasted halfway through my vacation. Since I gotten back I have made contact with Valve Support and shipped it off to them for repairs. I doubt that the warranty will be honoroed or applicable to me. Hopefully, the repair cost won’t be egregious. Atleast based on my inspection of the issue. It was just a tiny button part of some board that is easily replacable. Worst case scenario that board is intrinsicly tied to the hardware requiring a complete replacement of the Steam Deck.

I find that scenario to be unlikely simply because Valve has put in a considerable amount of effort in allowing the device to repaired and having an offical way to buy some replacement parts. Still I’m concerned on receiving an 100 dollar repair invoice. Thats literally a quarter of the price for the bare standard Steam Deck.

Regardless, they are the only “official” method that I know of to repair/replace the device without potentially entering third part solutions and I want to make certain that its done right. The Steam Deck is kind’ve an important device for me.

6.4 Patch

So… Tomorrow is when FFXIV will have a new major patch. I mentioned it a while back however Square Enix has a more expanded list on what 6.4 patch has at this moment. I’m kind’ve happy for the update. New Main Scenario Quests, New updates for Island Sanctuary and (while might not be availble this update) a new variant/criterion Dungeon. In general its a good patch for me atleast.

Although, I already have so much on my plate for this game alone that it didn’t really matter if there’s new content or not. Heck I still need to finish that one Trial part of the MSQ still. Even then its a good update and glad to see continual work on the game.


Don’t really got much else to say for today’s post. Hopefully, the 6.4 patch is enough to get me back into the groove of things but I doubt it. Sadly, my issue is likely stemming to a persistent conundrum of mine for quite a while now. I think my vacation has worsened the woes which is bleeding into my “hobbies”. While I love to speak of it. Its one of those situations that has been reclusive for so long that fear and paranoia continues to be a mental barrier for me.

To give you some idea. I would love to no longer keep it buried and be chained by it. Sadly my incessant position to cause no trouble for others ensures that I’m chained by my own design. Let me say something that I won’t give much context nor explain to:

To be rid of a portion of yourself is to be rid of your identity.

Now this isn’t exactly how I would say it to myself, but its simply the best way to make sense of it. Let me put it this way. I’m a very reclusive individual. So much so that it would probably be night and day if you were to meet me in person. I don’t think my own family members know me all that well, but its not really their fault. Well… That might not be entirely accurate and yet I can’t rule myself out either.

It makes me wonder how many masks that I have. I wonder if I even know the real me. I’m fairly confident on the pieces that makes my identity, but never once seen it all together which is a problem. Seriously, when was the last time I’ve been genuine to myself and those around me?

I’m sorry, my thoughts have been quite all over the place right now yet its a bit of a necessity for the moment. Let me say a one last thing before finalizing today’s post. While I doubt many will ever look at these posts. I do appreciate for those that take the time and effort to read them. There hasn’t really been a master plan for these screenshots other than to use it as a way to incrementally improve my writing. But for whatever reason you read these posts. Take a moment from your life to try and contemplate wether the path you or significant others are taking is the one you/they want. All paths are trekked upon and you will find yourself with others on that same path.

Anyhow, I hope you folks are having a good day/night!