Screenshot a Day FFXIV [5]

[2.0] A Realm Reborn: Post may contain potential spoilers. A Taste of Land The local shark may have a taste for starchiness. Fortunately, was able to make it back to shore intact, yet I may need to get a new pair of clothing. At least, I can relax somewhere on the beach and not on some rock in the middle of the water. The beach might not be the most interesting venture....

July 11, 2022 · 3 min · 500 words · Rook Gale

Screenshot a Day FFXIV [4]

[2.0] A Realm Reborn: Post may contain potential spoilers. Reflection A place of peace and quiet (sometimes). These are perfect opportunites to bathe in the calming waves and hope to god no shark has taken interest to the lonesome potato. Nevertheless, Costa De Sol is a lovely place to explore. I had met an npc that claimed to be from a village far north of Coerthas, which may have piqued some interests....

July 10, 2022 · 2 min · Rook Gale

Screenshot a Day FFXIV [3]

[2.0] A Realm Reborn: Post may contain potential spoilers. Niagra Falls? Here’s a new day and a new screenshot. To be quite honest, I found this yesterday after roaming about Lavender Beds when I just posted the previous screenshot. The waterfall is quite lovely, almost reminding me of Niagra Falls. Obviously, there’s differences, but there isn’t many of these waterfalls in FFXIV. Oh yeah, almost forgot to mention the Lalafell. That little fella is my character....

July 9, 2022 · 2 min · Rook Gale

Screenshot a Day FFXIV [2]

[2.0] A Realm Reborn: Post may contain potential spoilers. Dazzling Stars Welcome, welcome. A new day, a new screenshot. I mentioned previously that a more interesting spot existed in Lavender Beds. This is the spot that I had mentioned. Right behind the camera is a “small” waterfall that gives quite a bit of ambiance in the area. Its definitely a wondorus spot to visit especially at night like shown. Either way, I do have one more spot to show in Lavender Beds that I think may be of interest....

July 8, 2022 · 3 min · Rook Gale

Screenshot a day FFXIV [1]

A goal Hello one and all, What you see above is merely an attempt to get myself to use this website consistently. I am taking advantage of Final Fantasy XIV Gpose feature to allow myself to take pictures of the ingame environment. Its pretty simple and quick, plus it would allow some degree of creativity and purpose for a blog post. Initially, I plan on just posting a screenshot once a day....

July 8, 2022 · 2 min · Rook Gale