[2.0] A Realm Reborn: Post may contain potential spoilers.


A place of peace and quiet (sometimes). These are perfect opportunites to bathe in the calming waves and hope to god no shark has taken interest to the lonesome potato. Nevertheless, Costa De Sol is a lovely place to explore. I had met an npc that claimed to be from a village far north of Coerthas, which may have piqued some interests. Could become a possible point of interest. Also, I figured out why I couldn’t get depth of field working before. Apparently, there was a system setting that you can disable use of it during cinematic cutscenes, including Gpose.

Tended: 5 crops

Website improvements?

I have considered some improvements for this website to make the ease of creating and finding these posts. Currently, I am using hugo and I plan to do so for the foreseeable future. As such I may explore creating my own theme to present these posts in a better light. Notepadium is the current theme and its alright, but doesn’t seem well suited for the content I am posting. Another thing to mention is the color style of the theme.

Unfortunately, the color theme is in a red and gray style. I like the grey, but red may be a bit ill-suited. Green could be a more presentable approach, but I also like the red style right now. Regardless, I want to look into improving this site however possible while minimizing dynamic content since hugo isn’t intended for it.

Some thoughts on the text in these paragraphs.

To be honest, I didn’t like the previous post. The text didn’t have a proper flow and kind of was everywhere. Now I try to not spend ages on these posts. I do like to have a life outside of them, but I want these posts easy to digest. Now these posts as a whole are fairly new and I am not use to doing them. Initially, my posts may not be the best, but I want to ensure they are constantly improving. The slight problem is that I will be doing this in an echo chamber because of the lack of intereaction between reader and author. It shouldn’t pose too much of a problem, but time will tell.