A goal

Hello one and all, What you see above is merely an attempt to get myself to use this website consistently. I am taking advantage of Final Fantasy XIV Gpose feature to allow myself to take pictures of the ingame environment. Its pretty simple and quick, plus it would allow some degree of creativity and purpose for a blog post.

Initially, I plan on just posting a screenshot once a day. No stockpiling of screenshots and avoid making identical screenshots. I will probably add some text along with the screenshot that may or may not be related. Although, the first step is acutally taking a screenshot and posting it. In the long run, I plan on using this “blog” to tell some stories and possibly start working on a web novel of sorts. Either way, posting, posting and posting is the current directive.

Hopefully, I don’t run into significant problems like being away from home for more than a day. If I were to do this for some time I might just stockpile some screenshots in the event I am unable to hop onto the game to make an image. Anyhow, I hope you folks have a nice day and possibly these future screenshots will assist you in some ways.

Down further will be some info regarding to the image.

Platinum Valkyries Free Company House

In the good old realm of lavender beds is a rather secluded spot which hosts a Free Company I am part of. Managed to get myself kicked once for teleport cancelling the FC Leader, Lost a good old 300 thousand gil for that trick. Overall, its a cozy place that I tend to spend my time lazing about. Although, I had recently discovered a more interesting spot in lavender beds that I may show off next time.