Endwalker [6.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers.
Ruveydah Fibers
Technically, this is located ontop of the workshops that make silk. Either way, I was somewhat surprised by the fact that this area is accesible. Honestly, I wouldn’t even consider reaching the rooftop if it didn’t have the typical vista orb thing visible from down over in the windweft area (which was where I orginially planned on doing today’s screenshot.)
From what I learned of this little place is that sitting upon the golden gaja statue is meant to bring good fortune. Although, it can simply interpreted by the fact that you would have complete access to this garden rooftop. Not only that, its also a fairly peaceful location since I have seen no one up here even with how busy Radz-at-Han is. I do wonder on what exactly these Melberry bushes are, atleast from what the vista states.
Apparently, these Melberry bushes are part of a family species called Moraceae. Unfortunately the game doesn’t mention what type of Melberry it is. My assumption is that they would be Paper Melberry bushes because of the Thavnairian culture seems to be inspired from nations in Asia. Still whats even more peculiar is that all of these Melberries are technically trees. It takes roughly 2 years to produce berries and they can grow up to 30-35 feet. So its sort’ve odd that the Melberries in the area is still in the “bushy” stage.
Also I should mention that I have no idea what gaja stands for. All I know its related to the statue.
Jumping Puzzle
Sadly I have come to the conclusion that I’m a bit of an idiot. For nearly 2 years this garden rooftop was accesible via a jumping puzzle and never knew it existed till today. The amount of disapointment in myself is staggering. Regardless, I’m just content to have found a new little location to relax in. For those who are interested in finding the location on their own. I do have one hint on where the puzzle begins. The south east side of the building. Spent way too much time location on the other end to realize this.
Scholar Glamour

I don’t believe that I have shown my Scholar Glamour yet. Shockingly I didn’t use my little circlet feather thing this time. Its sort’ve weird using a headpiece that isn’t the little feather. I use that thing for practicaly every piece of glamour. The main reason for not using this time is because I really wanted to use glasses this time. Felt like it fits better with the whole “manager” vibe. Manager probably isn’t the right word in this scenario but why not.
Ultimately, Scholar fits more of a tactician theme since lore-wise they are military tacticians. Funnily this glamour is probably the most expensive I own since the company tabard alone costs nearly 1 million gil. Also I did forget to change the book when I upgraded my Scholar’s gear. Thats pretty much the reason why there’s a book that doesn’t really match the outfit as a whole.
Post Quality
So… I’ve been meaning to find excuses to write with my fountain pen for some time now. Recently I was inspired to write my daily posts with my fountain pen first. In essence, my goal is to try and improve the structure and flow of these posts so that they don’t feel completely random. Its honestly been a massive criticism of mine for the past year or so. Not only that. I tend to forget a large chunk of things to write about in these posts. Now I don’t expect improvements overnight, but one of my main goals is to essentialy write a “rough draft” before making the actual post.
Now in my situation, these rough drafts will ultimately be a hodge podge of random sentences and words that might correlate with the post. The idea is to take that randomness and make more coherent in the end. Although I am currently freewriting this portion of the post since I haven’t spent enough time writing it. One the core problems for me right now is that I tend to do these posts at night and I don’t have any desk space to write in my notebook. Ideally, this upcoming move will help alleviate those problems. Only time will tell in that regards.
So yeah. I don’t know if its weird to say this but I’ve been finding enjoyment writing with a fountain pen. I don’t really have a good reason as to why. It just feels like whenever I have the moment I just want to write something with it. Hell I bring it to work every single day and use it when its not even practical to use.
At the end of the day, I’m probably gonna have to order more ink and paper once I can establish a routine with this updated method for making posts. The ink part is more of an excuse to try different types of ink which I shouldn’t do.
Anyways, I hope you folks have a good day/night!