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Endwalker [6.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers.

Mehryde’s Meyhane

Here we are. Its a restuarant/show place that is quite “known” for its spices. I only really know that due to some of the cutscenes in Post-Endwalker. There’s one thing that I like to say about this place. More accurately about Thavnair as a whole.

To be blunt, I’m quite conflicted on the color scheme for this zone. Sure its a more vibrant color than Limsa Lominsa, yet there’s an odd feeling I have with the place. At times it seems like vibrancy looks nice and other times it feels bland. I think this odd sensation is due to the game’s fundamental problems with lighting.

The source of this thought is that this area uses colors that aren’t typical in Final Fantasy XIV and stands to reason the game’s lighting never accounted for them when it was revamped back in 2014 or so. Ultimately, I feel like Radz-at-Han will look vastly better in the coming graphical upgrades for this game.

So… I spent roughly an hour writing in my notebook for today’s post yet I’m gonna have to set it aside for another day. There’s one key reason for this. Time. This is because the subject at hand is about my preferences playing as either Sage or Scholar. While it would be great to spend some time to type about. It just seems incomplete at this stage and just using what I wrote down will do the topic disservice. In essence, I wanted to share some of my views about the differences between the two “shield” healers in FFXIV.

As such I don’t have too much else to talk about today. Well, other than my realization that I didn’t refill my fountain pen properly. Hardly any ink saturated the feed. I’ll resolve that tomorrow when I have the day off.

Hope you folks have a good day/night!