Stormblood [4.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers.
The Pauper’s Lode
Yep. My theory was correct. Well it wasn’t a theory, but it appears that those large crystalline structures were of little value. The spots that glow do have some value. By value I mean absolutely nothing. Apparently, this place has taken the name of Pauper’s Lode due to some person’s misfortune.
I do wonder if you can make some value out of the glowing materials. Sadly, the developers didn’t even consider on giving us gathering nodes in this area (for the basic ones that is.) Either, they are absolutely useless or… They have a lot of value, but is incredibly difficult to get that one right piece. Who knows.
One interesting thing about this cave is that the pillars seem incosistent. If you think about. There’s very few pillars in the front of tha camera while a bunch in the distance. Whats the likelihood of a cave in? Seriously, this cave feels far bigger and very few supports to stop a collapse. Oh yeah another fun fact you could say. Have you notice the torches that are lit?
So… Someone is going into this cave on a frequent basis keeping all of them lit and dealing with monsters at the same time. I almost wonder if this person is stronger than the Warrior of Light. Also, why didn’t they bother with the left side of this cave? Its very odd to see a near dark area all because there’s no orange mineral in the area.
On a side note. I completely forgotten the fact that there’s an entire section that has interior structures for you to explore. I was literally complaining yesterday about not having any only to realize that there were some in this zone. I think I’ll spelunk into those places tomorrow.
So… I was able to recover my save files (thanks to GOG for having a way to directly download the cloud saves). I also learned that I didn’t hit 100% completion. For whatever reason I didn’t play the Arena all that much.

Or apparently not at all. Mind you I’m in the A New Home DLC and hardly played it at all. As such some of those stats should be at 100% Although, I wonder why the Quests isn’t. Its possible that these stats aren’t applicable to A New Home DLC. Either way, I clearly didn’t do the Arena. I wonder what I’m missing in the collection section. Anyhow, its been more than 2 years since this playthrough. I might just delve right back into the game and this time on my Steamdeck! Although, I’ll probably do new game plus instead.
I don’t really have much else to say for today. Personally, I want to do a deep dive as to why CrossCode is a great game, but that feels like a huge project in itself.
Anyways, I hope you folks have a good day/night!