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Stormblood [4.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers.

The Song of Kings

So today isn’t going to be a special post or anything. Not that any of these posts were. Simple reason being that I’m not where I usually make these posts.

Aside from that. It appears that this whole place is a crypt for royalty or something. Although, it clearly fell to ruin most likely due to the Garlean Empire.

One interesting thing is that someone appears to be keeping these lanterns active. Then again I can imagine someone going out of their way in this situation since the people of Ala Mhigo care for their predecessors than the conquerers.

Either way, I wouldn’t be surprised that portions of this crypt will begin to collapse partially through the years. It feels fairly dilapelated even though Garlean has only been around for a few years now (I think)

I do wonder why this place is called the “Song of Kings”. Obviously, its a royal crypt yet its odd that they think the dead is some form of song. Eh.

There’s a few more places in here that I will explore later on.


So yeah its a fairly simple and short day. Hopefully, nothing too crazy happens later tonight or tomorrow.

Hopefully you folks have a good day/night!