Screenshot a Day FFXIV [55]

[2.0] A Realm Reborn: Post may contain potential spoilers. Moraby Docks Might’ve spelt the name wrong, but I ain’t hopping back on to just find out the name of the place. Originally, I was going to show off the fishing guild place thing whatever its called as well. Reason for that is because I want to get back in leveling fisher, but I do honestly find myself at a lost on the purpose behind fishing in some capacity....

August 30, 2022 · 2 min · 237 words · Rook Gale

Screenshot a Day FFXIV [54]

[6.0] Endwalker: Post may contain potential spoilers. The Wilds Last one to end it off for the island Sanctuary showcase. Although, I intend to come back at a later date, but I want to get back on my progression with A Realm Reborn screenshots. Deciding on what point I should migrate over to the next expansion. Unfortunately, don’t have much else to say today. Hopefully, I’ll have tomorrow off and I will be able to make a longer post, but it will just depend on the situation....

August 29, 2022 · 1 min · 91 words · Rook Gale

Screenshot a Day FFXIV [53]

[6.0] Endwalker: Post may contain potential spoilers. Flowing Tides Well they aren’t really tides, but the water is moving away from the camera. Frankly, this was a quick screenshot due to time constraints and that the server was going down for maintenance for the remainder of the day. Hope you folks have a good one today.

August 28, 2022 · 1 min · 56 words · Rook Gale

Screenshot a Day FFXIV [52]

[6.0] Endwalker: Post may contain potential spoilers. Pointy Lake A rather odd title to pick for today. Also, not going to be a long one today since I am back at work again and I prefer to focus a bit more on the game itself at the moment. Currently, I’m at rank 7 for the sanctuary. About half way for rank 8. One thing I just noticed is that I can finally upgrade the buildings and I really want to see what the cozy cabin is going to look like once I get enough logs....

August 27, 2022 · 1 min · 131 words · Rook Gale

Screenshot a Day FFXIV [51]

[6.0] Endwalker: Post may contain potential spoilers. Days End This is quite the view I must say. Although, there’s a bit of a gripe I have with the weather. Originally, I thought taking a similar screenshot during the rain would’ve been cool, but due to how the rain is portrayed in this game. It more or less makes the screenshot blury and or noisy. I had demonstrated it once before with a prior screenshot and yeah… Its not great....

August 26, 2022 · 3 min · 629 words · Rook Gale