[6.0] Endwalker: Post may contain potential spoilers.

Days End

This is quite the view I must say. Although, there’s a bit of a gripe I have with the weather. Originally, I thought taking a similar screenshot during the rain would’ve been cool, but due to how the rain is portrayed in this game. It more or less makes the screenshot blury and or noisy. I had demonstrated it once before with a prior screenshot and yeah… Its not great. Could be worse though. I have a few ideas on how to combat it and make some decent shots.

Image below is an example of what it looks like with rain.

Island Sanctuary’s Achievements

Alright, some of these achievements are a bit insane. One of them is to collect 500,000 Seafarer’s Cowries and there’s another achievement to make 17,000 Seafarer’s Cowries in a single season from the workshop. They both give titles and they seem fairly challenging to acquire. The 500k one is more about time and investment, but even then. If you are only making 10k Seafarer’s Cowries a week. It would take 350 days to hit the 500k milestone. Now obviously, there are those that will optimize the whole process and you might be able to consistently get 15k-20k a week. Which will knock it down to 234 days to 175 days. Either way, I expect that it will take a long process to achieve it. I didn’t even mention the achievements for just gathering on the island itself.

There’s four other achievements that relate to collecting on the Island Sanctuary. You need to collect up to 2,000 rare materials via the granary, 2,500 for crops, 5,000 for leavings and lasty 30,000 for gathering out in the wilds. Quite simply, all of these achievements are gated behind time. Its kind’ve insane how intense these achievements are, but Firmament was also in the same business as well. There appears to be one other achievement which is just simply hitting rank 10 for the santuary. From the looks of it thats the max rank you can get at the moment. It doesn’t seem infeasible considering that I’ve seen some youtube videos mentioning rank 10 already. Although, they must’ve spent hours gathering in the wilds.

Here’s one more image that I wanted to show today. I intend to dabble a little bit in the wilder parts of the island tomorrow.

Title Changes

I’ve decided that I’ll be changing the title of these posts. Currently, I have it set to “Screenshot a Day FFXIV” which is very straight forward and clear. However, its also very boring. As such starting next month, I’ll be changing the title to what I sort’ve have for the image title. To use an example.

Instead of using “Screenshot a Day FFXIV [51]” I’ll replace it with “Days End [51]”. Fairly simple change, but I think it might have a substantial improvement for visitor counts. The sole reason why I’m not doing it now is because I want to use this month as a baseline to compare future changes for these posts. Talk a bit in regards visitor counts. This month as of now is at an 58 visitors per day average. Slightly below last month which was 61 visitors per day average. Now I don’t intend to try to make this blog explode by any means, but I like to know that there’s some form of growth or consistency. Plus changing things early on is a more wise idea since folks may not like me changing or adding things later on. Then again, the only way that were to become an issue is if I start adding ads or something. Either way, I plan on implementing these changes to give the posts more variety and easier searchablility.