[2.0] A Realm Reborn: Post may contain potential spoilers.

Moraby Docks

Might’ve spelt the name wrong, but I ain’t hopping back on to just find out the name of the place. Originally, I was going to show off the fishing guild place thing whatever its called as well. Reason for that is because I want to get back in leveling fisher, but I do honestly find myself at a lost on the purpose behind fishing in some capacity. I mainly want to do it since I wanted to max out the gatherers and Fishing is all thats left. I will at some point work on the crafters.

Also, due to the server maintenace. I kind’ve messed up and forgot to water my crops at the Free Company plot. I lost my onions. Thats what happens when my internal timer is thrown out of wack. Partly, why I’ve been posting till the last hour of the day. If I try posting earlier, I’ll probably procastionate and wait till the end of the day anyhow. Just the current reality for now.

Lastly, I’ll make another post regarding the Island Sanctuary soon. The main reason is because I’ll be hitting rank 10 by the end of the week most likely. Assuming I don’t get bored gathering.

Enough with the random stuff. Its time for me to bring this post to an abrupt end, for sleep is now on the menu.