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Shadowbringers [5.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers.

Fading Steps

Kind’ve funny how this post’s title is called the fading steps. Considering the fact that there’s only one post remaining before I hop onto the Endwalker Expansion. That will be an interesting exploration. Sort’ve hard to grasp that I’ve done nearly 400 posts now. Sure I would’ve been past this point if I hadn’t missed the past couple days this month. At the same time I wish to not strain myself further than needed.

Eitherway, its hard for me to say that this is habit. Since the beginning I haven’t found many instances where the act of making the post happened unconciously. I have to deliberately tell myself to make these posts. Somedays, I’m perfectly content creating a post. Otherdays, I find it more of a chore than enjoyment. I can say with certainty that between June and July this year making these posts felt more like a chore. You can clearly tell by how little I typed in them. At the same time the only main rule for myself was to make a screenshot everyday and type something.

Obviously, I don’t stick with the motto everyday for sometime but I still intend to strive that goal of mine as much as possible. I know myself well enough that making these posts weekly instead of daily would become the death of this blog. With all of that said. I need to actually finalize this post. I hope you folks have a good day/night!