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Shadowbringers [5.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers.

The Covered Halls of Dwatl

I actually wanted to speak more of this place about a month ago but sort’ve set it aside. Sadly, my original thoughts of this place has receded significantly from my memory. What I can say though is that its a rather intriguing place to visit. There’s basically zero reason to come down here and yet its a neat little find. I doubt many players would readily recognize that they could dive into the water in Rak’tika. Then again, I don’t recall the Main Scenario Quests ever taken them near the waters.

Eitherway, the main other thing that I wanted to say is that I have placed another bid on a plot. Originally, I was going for the identical plot in a different ward but when I had the chance to hop on. Multiple people had already bidded on it. I decided it would be wise to atleast check the district a sceond time and see what else is available. Surprisingly there’s a lot of plots available to be bidded on. Even more than what I last checked. Kind’ve odd in a way.

Nevertheless, I did eventually settle on ont particular plot different from all of the ones that I’ve seen. Funnily enough, plot 36 in Shirogane is probably the best plot that I could ask for. Its literally close to everything that I would want to be and there was only one bid on it at the time. Now there’s four more days left but I decided to not even look at the plot till Monday next week. I’ve mentioned in the past yet I like being a broken record at times. I’m not overly concerned on whether or not I receive a plot. Honestly, I’m a tad concern since with the upcoming expansion Dawntrail. There’s no certainty that I will be able to play the game for a long period of time.

Main reason being the fact that I play all of my games on linux and the this upcoming expansion is going to massively change the graphics of the game. To the point that I might not be able to play it anymore. If worse comes to worse. Personally, I doubt that will happen in the end yet at the same time I can’t deny the possibility. What I do know is that I meet the intended recommended system settings for the game so in the grand scheme the graphics may not look the best but it should still be playable for me. Then again its sort’ve a wait and see situation.

Still this doesn’t really explain on why I’m still going after a plot if I might just lose it when the expansion drops. Honestly speaking. I just want one. To be able and say that I have a place for people to visit is all I personally care about.

With all of that said. There’s little else for me to say for today and as such. This is now the end of today’s post. I hope you folks have a good day/night!

Oh yeah, I should mention that not only did I smashed my toe with 150 pounds (somehow not breaking it) yesterday. Today I managed to nearly dislocate my damn thumb because a piece of furniture suddenly weighed a ton. Causing my thumb to bend backward to the point of what felt like snapping off. Somehow my thumb has recovered from the pain that I experienced which probably means that it wasn’t as bad as I initially thought. Although, applying pressure to it still brings an unpleasant sensation.