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Shadowbringers [5.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers.

The Rak’tika Greatwood

This is actually one of the more interesting zones in the game. Atleast in comparison to the expansions after A Realm Reborn. This is one of the only zones that prevent you going above the tree line since flight was introduced during Heavensward. Fascinating in a way. It really helps setting the tone of this environment even after unlocking flight.

I can’t say that this is something that I would encourage all of the time, but it kind’ve wants me to see a zone of similar scale underground. Sound preposterous yet it would be a very interesting idea. Sadly, I doubt the developers would ever afford such an idea due to their strict timeframes.

Anyhow, with a new zone we got some interesting sights to explore here. This might be a full 20 posts before the last major zone. One thing that I will mention is that I hardly explored this zone hell its kind’ve disorienting for me to travel in. I suppose it has something to do with the landmarks all looking green and brown to me. Which is funny considering that I’m the kind of person who doesn’t get easily lost in games.

I just want to mention something real quick. This is just something that I discovered that is likely not that many people have realized. Apparently, you can dive into the water in this zone. Sure its to be expected with Shadowbrings, but the MSQ never takes you to the area and I don’t really consider it given that it didn’t look diveable.

Although, I gotta say this recent discovery was hilarious because I found some submerged ruins at the bottom of this lake and it seems quite interesting to explore. And… I just discovered another one. Alright lets leave these new found discoveries on the side for now. I got plenty to talk about on another date.

Honestly, this is one of the best aspects about doing these screenshots. It gets me to explore this game in new angles that I never considered and I love that these discoveries aren’t because someone told me or that I looked at some wiki online. Anyhow, its a surreal experience and lets just hope it continues to be that way.

So while I didn’t once again get a chance to talk about Youtube. (Its not really noteworthy to talk about). I do think this has been a rather worthwhile post for me. I hope you folks have a good day/night!

I just wish that this zone’s name wasn’t a mouthful.