Shadowbringers [5.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers.
Father Collard’s Chambers
Here’s a rather odd location. It appears to be some mushroom like structures. Sadly, I know very little of this stuff. Maybe if I had that other encyclopaedia there might be some useful info there. No matter. Moving away from that here’s another screenshot for the day.
Another Screenshot and Glamour

It almost feels like I gotta take a shot of my character in a new glamour once every few months now. Last one was roughly 80 days ago. Personally, I sort’ve like this getup. I like simplistic/plain looks. When the gear starts to get intricate. Lalafells don’t really do it justice in my opinion.
This getup is mainly meant for Samurai and Monk atleast thats what I intend. The gear isn’t really all that high level either. I think you need to be at level 44 to be able to wear all of the gear baring the weapon.
As you may have noticed that I started playing Samurai now and it seems like an interesting job. Still… DPS Jobs are by far the most weakest job set for me. I can’t seem to stick with any of them for more than 2 weeks before getting bored of it. As a result I’m left with zero DPS jobs at max level. I find myself more of a support/healer role which is why I do have White mage and Sage at max level.
You know maybe I should explain a tad more about why I picked this set of glamour instead of other options. Firstly, looking online at a site like Eorzea Colletion I’ve noticed fairly quickly that most of the glamours are more of eastern vibe which is a reasonable perspective. I didn’t really like the idea of just mimicing the typical eastern design and couldn’t think of an alternative. Another thing to make note of is that once again there are quite a few designs that have too much going on or show too much “skin”.
Lalafells are notorious of a certain “childish” outlook on their clothing due to their round and small size. Personally, I like the design of short stature characters like dwarves and hobbits/halflings and in a game like FFXIV where clothing design is half the battle. Its a fun limitation. As some may say, “Limitation breeds creativity” not that my desgins are anything stellar in my opinion.
Anyways, I got off tracked there for a moment. When I mean “skin”, I mean that showing any excessive amount of skin on Lalafells looks weird. I think you can get away with some clothing styles but as mentioned before people can easily extrapolate a different perspective. As such its hard to design Lalafell clothing without getting into a creepy category.
Lalafells tend to do really well with a more robe/cloak like design. Honestly, if a shirt looks baggy on a Lalafell. You can probably get something cool out of it. Form-fitting clothing is rather difficult to work with Lalafells unless its very simple in design. Once again complexity is lost on Lalafells due to their stature.
An area where I think you have a lot of freedom is the head gear. In fact, its probably the area where you can easily set the tone and style of a Lalafell. Although for me I can’t gravitate away from the little feather piece for my character. Its sort’ve a staple for me.
So… I don’t know how where this all started, but to keep it all plain and short. I try to get clothing that is fairly simple in design. I like a more humble look that doesn’t try to actively yell at people to look at me. Then again the color red doesn’t help in that department. Lets also ignore the fact that my Red mage gear is far more intricate than what you see here.

Anyhow, thats all I have for today. I hope you folks have a good day/night!
(I was planning to talk about Youtube, but glamour had to get in the way…)