Stormblood [4.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers.
Gylbarde’s Gate
Ah yes the lesser gate of Ala Mhigo I think that is. There’s another gate that I presume goes into the palace of Ala Mhigo. No idea on the name for that palace.
One little interesting thing about this screenshot. While I was waiting for the sun to come up a bit more. The lamps in the surrounding area started to turn off and caused the entire area in shadow to go pitch black. I believe this is more the result of the lightning system that the game uses. Unfortunately, I don’t understand how it works enough to explain it. My only best guess is that the lightning in the area went into the negative do to conflicting changes in light values (one coming from global lightning and the other coming from the lamps diming.)
By the time I recognize the change. I wasn’t able to get a screenshot because it went away shortly thereafter. Although, if I had gotten that screenshot. It would’ve looked cool.
Anyhow, thats all I have for today so I hope you folks have a good day/night!