Stormblood [4.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers.

Dotharl Khaa

So uh… I’m running into a bit of a hiccup right now. My internet appears to be dysfuntional at the moment. However, I can play Final Fantasy XIV without any issues, but can’t browse online. Looks like it appears to be a DNS issue. For the sake of not losing this entire post. I’ll be transferring this file onto my phone and posting it that way.

A very odd circumstance unfortunately. Anyhow I hope you find something of interest with this post!

Actually, it appears things have went back to normal. Apparently, the DNS Provider I use died for a bit and my backup DNS went to a raspberry pi that is currently unplugged. So yeah… Quite the unfortunate circumstance to find myself in. Atleast that means Final Fantasy XIV isn’t using domain names to connect between the servers (atleast ingame).

Lets move onto the actual screenshot for today.

Its kind’ve peculiar how there’s a tiny little pond right next to a flipping desert. Its not like there’s a river that far from here either. What makes this place special over other? An odd sight in my opinion. I wonder what kind of soil is in the ground to sprout grass around this pond.

The main reason for saying that is because everywhere else is sand. I doubt they just grabbed and placed some kind of soil in this spot. Then again, this clan has been going on for quite some time. If they were desperate. They will do anything to survive.

That’s about all I have to say this time around. Kind’ve gotten distract by the whole DNS issue of mine today.

Monthly Word Count

A new month and a new count. Along with the monthly screenshots at the end of months. I also have the word count stuff at the beginning of the month. Lets just dive straight into the numbers.

Month/Year Posts Total Count Average
03/23 29 19602 675
02/23 26 4900 188
01/23 31 18358 592
12/22 31 7684 247
11/22 30 8327 277
10/22 31 5790 186
09/22 30 7633 254
08/22 31 9575 308
07/22 25 12112 484
Combined Posts Total Count Average
264 93981 355

Due to the timing of last post. I can see compare the differences between the middle of last month and its end. The first time I counted. I was at 3935 words with 11 posts and a 357 word count average. It was pitiful, but not the worst average across the other months.

Now obviously that only had a shread of posts in comparison of others. Since we are now dealing with an additional 18 posts. Lets now compare the two dates now.

Along with the additional 18 posts. Total word count went up by 15,667. Almost a 5 times increase. Additionally, average word count went up by 318 words. Which is almost an 90% increase.

One fact that must be stated is that march had two extremes when it came to the posts. Especially in the first half of the month, I had posts ranging under 200 words. The second half had a major spike in word count up to 1500 on some posts. Honestly, if I had taken out the posts under 200 words. The average would probably spike up to the 800 range. Although, that would defeat the purpose behind this whole thing.

One last thing to mention about March. Its currently the highest total word count and average. Just eeking out an victory from January. The funny thing is that Februray was my worst month by far (even if it doesn’t have the lowest average). Kind’ve funny how the worst got sandwhiched between the best.

Now mind you, I’m not trying to gamify my word counts with these posts. Its simply another potential statistic that seems interesting to explore (its also an easy excuse to find something to talk about). I was sort’ve hoping to reach 100k total word count before the end of the month, but oh well. Either way, I effectively wrote a novel so far and it didn’t take more than a year to do it. Kind’ve wonder what it would look like if I converted a year’s worth of posts into a book.

That would be funny in my opinion. Although, I doubt that many book manufacturers would be keen on doing such a project. You know what? I might just explore into the idea a tad. It won’t be cheap, but if I could print possibly a book or two for posterity sakes. That would be neat in my opinion.

Live Letter 76

Disclaimer: This section will be talking about 6.0 (Endwalker) and above content.

You know whats funny to me? I completely forgot to talk about the live letter yesterday. So lets do a quick dive into it.

The live letter mainly focused on the 6.4 patch and the current Square Enix CEO (I think) is leaving later this year. I believe the latter part was announced a bit before the livestream itself.

With the 6.4 patch in mind. Its coming out with the usual Main Scenario Quests, Dungeons, Trials and Raids I think. Although it does have a few interesting additions.

There are four things I mainly want to mention from it. That is the new Island Sanctuary update, Blue mage content, Duty Support for Stormblood and lastly a new Variant/Criterion dungeon.

Ah crap, before we proceed any further. I completely forgot that they are allowing glasses and wing accessiories to be displayed while in combat. I don’t know what the restrictions are, but thats a bit of big deal for some. Another small change is that they are adding job icons to player nameplates in parties and alliances.

Island Sanctuary

Starting with the Island Sanctuary update:

This new update is going to have a lot of additions in comparison to 6.3. Lets make a bullet list to easier to read.

  • New Sanctuary Ranks
  • New Gathering Area
  • New Construction options
  • Support for outdoor furnishing items in the hideaway (up to 90 slots)
  • New items, materials, craftables and animals

Thats about it for the additions. The two main interesting ones are the Construction options and the furnishing one. I will definetly like to see the new construction options since the initial batch were kind’ve bare. I think its nice they will be introducing furnishing items, but I have yet considered on how it can be used effectively. There’s some housing enjoyers foaming out of their mouths I imagine.

Blue Mage

Next lets hop on over to Blue mage. To be quite honest, I hardly touched my blue mage (its still level 1). As such I don’t have a huge affinity with this update unlike others. Although, its nice that they will be increasing the level cap to 80 and will have new masked carnival stuff.

Stormblood Duty Support

Stormblood is currently the only expansion that doesn’t have duty support. For those unaware. Duty support is an alternative to Duty finder in that it allows you to do dungeons with NPCs instead of other characters. While to some, this concept seems horrible. However, the reason behind this is simple. The developers are simply wanting to make it so that people who don’t want to experience the MMO aspects of the game aren’t completely required to do so.

Although, trials aren’t included to duty support (with the exception of one trial). Either way, newcomers/sprouts are bound to be playing with others one way or another. The game won’t completely be a solo experience (that can change however).

New Variant/Criterion Dungeon

We shall be seeing a new Variant Dungeon in patch 6.45 called “Mount Rokkon”. I don’t think they went into too much detail about it. The one important thing to know is that they aren’t requiring you to do the previous Variant Dungeon. Although, the quests to unlock either will probably be the same (just a guess).

And thats about it with yesterday’s live letter. For me personally, the four items that I had mentioned above are what I’m most interested in. While I haven’t touched my Blue Mage. I personally been wanting to, but haven’t found motivation. I also want to finish up the other variant dungeon since I mainly been soloing it and took a break from it.

Anyhow, I don’t think there’s much more I want to mention with the live letter at this time.


Well well well… I got nothing. Oh yeah, today’s April 1st. Quickly! I need to think of some totally harmless prank that ends of distorting the lives of many… Crap my mind is an absolute blank right now. Curse you Conclusion!

Odd Jokes aside. I was flipping tired today. I played Octopath Traveller 2 for a few hours before work. Although, I couldn’t get my sleep schedule in order because of it. I was going to sit here and talk about the game and my initial impressions. Although it seems today’s post has gotten a tad out of hand and I would rather avoid another instance of the internet failing on me again.

Lastly, I forgot to include tags with last post apparently. I swore I did, but it appears not. That should be fix along with this post having some.

Hope you folks have a good day/night!