[2.0] A Realm Reborn: Post may contain potential spoilers.

Little Canyon

Its part of little Ala Mhigo and not really much of a canyon since it does have a ceiling. I just can’t recall the type of geographical shape it would be if there’s one to call it. Anyhow, The time is settling in my mind. I want to move onto the next expansion and soon. By no means am I getting bored of the place in fact there’s way too much still. The problem however is my restriction I have set myself on makes it rather difficult to explore. Especially, with areas like Coerthas since a chunk of it is part of Heavensward and I don’t want to go too extreme in spoiling that area at the moment. Right now the plan is to the last shot for A Realm Reborn on day 100 afterwards I will spend maybe a month or two in Heavensward and move onto the next. Thats my current plan, but ofcourse things could change at a moment notice.

With that out of the way. I am planning to go back reading a book that I have now been engrosed in. Don’t question the fact that I was distracted by a show yesterday alright?