[2.0] A Realm Reborn: Post may contain potential spoilers.

Haukke Manor

Something that I find interesting about this place is out in the garden there are these huge cages that can trap bears and the like. Seems rather excessive or there could be a purpose for them, but I can’t say or recall. Anyhow, I am thinking about doing my first foray of taking screenshots in dungeons. Figured that this would be first place I wanted to capture. Plus since they have changed some of the dungeons in A Realm Reborn. I don’t have too many interesting layouts to work with. A Realm Reborn is the first and last type of dungeons that have unique layouts. I think Heavensward have some stuff similar to A Realm Reborn, but nothing like 2.0. Part of me wishes that I took some pictures of the prior layouts of the dungeons and give comparissions of the two. No matter.

Also, the archer questline doesn’t have any involvement with the archery range. Kind’ve sad in a way.

That will be all for today. Tomorrow, I intend to take a screenshot within the Manor. I haven’t fully plotted out on how many days I will spend, but I’ll think of something.

May you folks have a good day/night.