[2.0] A Realm Reborn: Post may contain potential spoilers.

Target Practice

How in the world do they retrieve the used arrows on those stands? A huge ladder I suppose. One of the reasons I decided to take a screenshot of this area is because I found that little stone tower interesting and that some random person on reddit decided to post about it as well. Considering this is an Archery Range its possible that the tiny hole in the tower is some form of target. I wouldn’t be surprised that the Archer questline has something mentioning it. Well it has two more quests before I get proven right or wrong. Probably the latter.

Today will make the 90th day of this blog. Yay… I feel like this would be more of an accomplishment if I reach 365 days or something. Although, who would I have to celebrate that with? Friends I suppose, but who knows what will happen when that time arrives. I could lose interest of FFXIV by the end of the year and never play it again till the launch of the new expansion. I mean one of the reasons as to why I even play this game as much as I do is because of the story. Obviously, friends prove vital for the reason why I continue to play this game. Along with the whole blog I am doing now. I do have a few ideas on what to do with the blog, but right now I’ve been mentally drained from various sources. Primarily because of work. Eventually, I’ll get to around it but I have a few fires to extinguish.

That will be all for today. Hope you folks have a good one.