[2.0] A Realm Reborn: Post may contain potential spoilers.

Gates of Snow

Home of the tall and cold. Accusations of heresy permeated throughout the mountains. Uncertain of where the origins of these conflicts began, but knowing that Eorzea as a whole had its own problems. Puts oneself steadfast for these pious tribulations. One step, is all it takes to plunge into a realm rife with conflict. One day, when none the wiser may find themselves trapped in its ancient history. Prepare, for who knows if these britle walls will still stand another day.

Thought I would add some meat to the image by more or less describing the events that happen in this zone and teasing possibilities. Obviously, those who have played through the game will know not all that is said is true, but is meant to bring context with how much conflict is present in the lands north. Truth be told, I wrote up the brief excerpt before taking a screenshot. I wasn’t sure how to tell it, so I just cooked something up on the spot before searching for a location. Overall, I don’t think its bad, but its clear for me that its been a while since I did this sort of thing.

Thankfully, that is one of my small goals for these daily posts. I want to attempt adding a little story or give it some life for each post. I had done some similar stuff in the prior screenshots especially at Costa De Sol, but I really want to dig a bit more into the idea. Not sure if such a thing would bare fruit, yet at the same time this will ultimately serve practice.

Crops Tended: 5

lowering expectations

To be honest, I have very little idea on what to say at this point, which is the point of this section. The main goal for these daily posts is to simply show a screenshot in Final Fantasy 14 nothing more. I have created a few small goals that revolves around the post, but they are secondary to the screenshot. Because of this I don’t folks thinking I will be presenting text with each screenshot everyday.

Although, I do want to add something to the post since a simple screenshot is quite meager effort. At the same time, I just don’t want to burn myself out from doing this. Some may ask “Why are you doing it daily when you could just do it weekly?” The answer is quite simple, I will basically forget/stop doing it due to no drive. To be specific, if I am not posting something daily I will keep pushing the post day by day till last minute. If I have more interests in something else, I may just push the entire thing and not do it for that week. Essentially, my procastionation escales to the point I just stop posint in its entirety.

From what I recall in the past when I first created the original website in wordpress. I had planned on doing it weekly, but after the first post I just stopped. Its been about a year since and I have now finally took control of the reigns once more. This time I want to achieve consistncy with a clear and simple goal. Post screenshots.

Now I don’t want to abandon what I am doing now, but I also want to balance expectations that these posts won’t be 10 minute reads maybe only a minute or two. Especially, when Xenoblade Chronicles 3 comes out. I will be quite invested in that game and won’t be able to spare much time on these posts. Eitherway, a long term goal of mine is to utilize this blog as a starting point to tell stories like novels. May have to give it a year or two though.

Lastly, sometimes a draft post is created. Due to the server time being different to my local time. The post sometimes may be posted the next day of my currenty day. This shouldn’t pose too much of a problem to fix manually for myself, but I could forget.

Welp, I hope everyone has a good day and just know that sometimes things will have to get worse before they improve.