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Dawntrail [7.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers.


Here we are ladies and gentlemen new expansion and new adventures! Well. Who truly knows whats at the end of the road. Honestly I haven’t been playing the game too much. Its a tad hard to juggle between multiple games. It also doesn’t help the fact that I have to redo all of my keybindings again…

In regards to the zone itself I don’t really know what to say. I really like the music and the vertical aspect of the zone is nice in its own right. But Man. I feel way too rusty for this. Not only that I’m way too tired right now.


Honestly, its sort’ve weird to try these posts again. Never knowing what to say and just going on tangent after tangent in the most nonsensical of ways. I feel like adding structure would be too limiting for me but at the same time I feel like it should exist. Is this a perfectionist dilemma or merely too many things to say?

Anyhow, I actually had gone ahead and delete roughly 400 words due to an coincidence.

Why you may ask? Its actually because someone happened to send a quote to me and made me realize the similarities of what I was originally talking about. Here’s the quote,

Life is like a book. Some chapters are sad, some are happy, and some are exciting, but if you never turn the page you will never know what the next chapter has in store for you.

Its weird how someone sends that quote to me when I was ranting about risks and that you need to take them at some point in your life. No matter the nature of what journey you wish to travel. There’s a destination at the end. If you want to reach that end you must take a risk. Could be small, could be large, but never taking a risk is like never taking a step forward.

Atleast that was the simplified version of what I was trying to say. In reality I was probably trying to find some excuse to make myself cry or something. I could say to not get the wrong idea of what I meant, but I feel like thats a fool’s errand. Is it wrong with wanting to cry once in a while for no real reason?

Eitherway, I did look back at a few of my posts from year past. Atleast the ones that I found interesting. Its a tad sad to look back and feel like life went on with nothing having happened. What has this blog amounted to in the end? Some ramblings of a fool in the crevices of the internet? Was there any point? Did I have a goal? Well I did, but I’ve lost alot of the motivation for it.

Let me take a turn and make my own quote,

Life moves on and while pages continue to turn. They remain blank through the passages of time.

I feel like that was a retort to quote above. Even if life may appear as a book. Time is still moving. Those pages can still turn and have nothing in them. Maybe there’s more that could be gleaned by the qoute. Maybe something is missing.

What should I add or alter to the quote that takes account of time? To be quite honest, I’m not sure. Maybe I haven’t experienced life enough or looked at it in the right perspective yet. I think if I were to add something now it would turn the message into a more negative meaning when its suppose to be positive. Plus it would just get too long. Quotes do need to be fairly short to be effective.

One way to look at it is like with any book. Its always written in advanced. Sure it creates the idea that the world is merely deterministic or there’s some destiny to life. However I wish to look at in the perspective of the uncertainty.

When someone reads a book (atleast in my case). They tend to imagine the possibilities of what the next page will be. Only once they turn the page does those possibilities become a certainty. I’m not really sure where to go with this idea since I’ve lost concentration one too many times now. Thanks in part to someone’s shenanigans

Its unfortunate that I will have to leave these thoughts incomplete, but lets be honest. Hardly anything here is ever in a complete fashion. I don’t even want to talk about my projects that I left hanging out in the dust.


I do believe its a good time to bring this post to an end though. I’ve spent a couple days with the post existing for some time now. At some point it needs to be published. What I will say is that I find it both funny and sad that someone left a message boat in Sky asking if the meaning of life is to be alone.

You don’t need to make life sound that bad. Honestly, Just look back at the initial quote I mentioned. Thats your answer buddy. For as much I believe there’s something missing to it. If all you do is focus on the past and future to determine meaning. You will never relish the present.

I don’t think life is meant to have one meaning. Its ever-changing. Its fine to look at life and see no meaning one day and find many on another day. If we knew what the journey is like we would never go down it.

Anyhow, I hope you folks have a good day/night!

Almost forgot here’s another video you can watch. This time with some editing! Well I got lazy towards the end and it was the first time trying it.