Endwalker [6.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers.
This is quite a lovely looking area. Possibly my favorite for this expansion. The neatest part is that its effectively a controlled environment. To be more specific, the Sharlayans intentionally designed this facility to produce and experiment various types of crops and animal life with plans to embark on a grand exodus to the moon. While you can’t really see it from the main screenshot. Here’s another shot of the “Artifical Sun”.

Truthfull, it looks more like an astrologian globe thing. Wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case. Regardless, while I do like the visuals of this place. It just doesn’t really have the vibrancy that Thavnair offered. If there was a way to blend the visuals of the two zones together then it would probably be an amazing place to look at. On a side note, I do find this zone to be very interesting for one main reason. Its not flat as the other zones for this expansion.
Mainly, its the fact that there’s about four layers of verticallity to this zone and normally the other zones don’t offer that much. Honestly, I think Kholusia and The Tempest in the prior expansion that had any sense of height. Not only that it feels like this zone is a bit more condense. Maybe its just me though.
There’s one thing that I did forget to mention about the FanFest in London. (Well truthfully there’s a few other things that I hadn’t mentioned and will probably remember down the line.) FFXIV and Fall Guys have a collab going on and there’s going to be a Fall Guys’ minigame in FFXIV. It looks interesting even I never played Fall Guys. It should be coming out on the 31st along with the 6.51 patch update.
With all of that stated. I should bring this post to an end because typing any further would just cause me less to say about this zone for the next 19 posts or so. As such, I hope you folks have a good day/night!