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Endwalker [6.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers.


Honestly, this is one of the few moments where I feel like the trailer of Endwalker does this place justice. Due to the technical limitations of the game. The amount of floors was meant to be seen as a endless abyss of books, but from this screenshot alone. You can basically see the bottom of the place easily. Aside from that. This is still a really neat looking place. Hell I can imagine a character from CrossCode having a heart attack about the laser like bridges.

Future Posts

Anyways, I’ve come to the conclusion that making daily posts has been far more of a pain that what its worth. To be more specific. My desire to improve my writing overall clashes the current status quo with this blog. I still have an interest in maintaining this blog for a long time, but I do believe that once I reach the 500th post. Its time to bring the daily posts to an end. The question obviously becomes how many posts will I make each week/month? At the moment I’m considering on doing three posts a week and having them on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Ultimately, this will be a bit of a test run once I pass the 500th post milestone and depending how things will work out. I might instead do 2 posts a week however I won’t do any less than that. Reducing the amount of days I would need to make a post will benfit me more on my other writing projects that I want to focus on plus I might no longer need to always be worrying about the ever-looming deadline. Still it pains me to a degree that I will be going this direction. Not only that, I feel somewhat concerned that this might backfire and cause me to make even less posts.

One of the biggest reasons for me doing daily posts was because I knew that if I attempted doing weekly posts. I would just stop making posts in its entirety and I’m still concerned about this now. However, I do think reducing down to three posts per week won’t cause me to fall off into the deep end. Overall, this is why I’m conducting this trial of sorts. If it doesn’t work out in the end I might return to daily posts, yet I’m fairly confident that I don’t want to return. As such I gotta make this work.

I should also mention that along with reducing the number of posts. I also intend on changing the format of them as well. Currently, the only priority with these posts is that I upload a screenshot and just say something. That has worked wonderfully in just getting me to type, but now I need to place structure if want my writing to improve at all. It bothers me on how I continue to allow myself to create these chaotic posts everyday with not real direction in mind. I somewhat like to return to what I had done in the beginning of the year while in Stormblood. Then again I’m not certain if that is the best path to take.

Regardless, I have set the end of my daily posts on the 500th milestone with establishing a new format in mind. This should give me ample time on determining how I want these posts to proceed down the line. Hell I might just go around and ask people for their thoughts since its time to get out of this weird gutter of mine.

I suppose its not a bad idea to mention as to why I’m decided to do this now. Its mainly due to the fact that I want to further my aspiration in making a full on novel. I’ve begun consolidating all of my stories and ideas that I have typed over the course of a decade and want to earnestly pursue this ambition of mine. Truthfully, I never really had a real desire in life other than to read/watch stories. For a long time I have fantasized the idea of making my own and it seems like a good time as any to start now.

Anyhow, I hope you folks have a good day/night!