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Endwalker [6.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers.


You know whats quite unfortunate? Well finding myself with problem after problem the past two days. Firstly, I forgot that since we were going to have a major patch. The servers were going to be down for the whole day. I probably would’ve prepared for it had I realized that fact. Secondly, I had to reinstall FFXIV at the worst of times because I was trying to get another game to work but required me to basically reinstall FFXIV as well. The problem being that it happened a little over hour before the deadline was due for yesterday.

Essentially, I couldn’t really do any posts for the last two days. Well. I did thought about doing another game instead at the time, but felt like I should hold off from doing that till I atleast finished the 500 post milestone. One thing that I should state is some time in the future (possibly next year) I will probably expand beyond FFXIV for these screenshots. Although, I might do other games on more of a weekly basis instead of “daily” like I do with FFXIV.

and then of course the day of when I was making this post. I decided to finish it at work during lunch only to forget about it due to an important phone call I had to make. After getting off from work. I stayed at my Aunt’s place for the night only to get too lazy to hop onto a computer and finalize the post in under 2 minutes.

For all of the work I put in to make it where I can make and publish a post. I seem to be far too lazy to do them outside of my own place. Besides this whole month is going to be a bit of a rollercoaster for me since I’m planning on moving in a few weeks and not 100% sure if I’ll be able to make these posts on the same computer. I have my Steam Deck so I’ll be able to make posts although at a much lower resolution (probably). My only concern is that might be the only solution for the long-term. Lets just hope it doesn’t become that situation in the long run.

Anyways, I should be able to return to a somewhat “normal” posting schedule for the next couple of weeks. I hope you folks have a good day/night!