Stormblood [4.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers.
Today is going to be a bit of an odd post. Clearly it ain’t following the norms of taking a screenshot in the “current” Expansion. However there’s a reason to my randomness. Its quite simple really. I finally acquired a flipping plot of land!
I was really hoping that today will be the day. I sort’ve needed it given current work circumstances and basically hoped that today would be a good one for me. There were two other bidders on this plot and while I feel bad for them in a way. Too bad. I gotta suffer atleast 3 failed attempts of this “housing savage” experience.
While they could’ve have gone through much worse. Unfortunately, they probably won’t ever name themselves so I can’t assist in their future endeavours. Its truly saddening in a way. Nevertheless, we can’t contemplate on the ifs for today for its a time of celebration! Well… Not yet that is.
You see the “downside” of building a house ontop of a newly purchased land is that it doesn’t come with any furnishing. As such, I will have to offer time, resources and effort to truly bring this place into something that makes spending nearly 4 million gil worth it. I have a few ideas in mind but as stated before it will take time. Thankfully, after tomorrow I will have two straight days off and an great opportunity to invest a good deal of resources and effort into furnishing this place up.
Truthfully, I have no idea how this will turn out in the end. Heck I wouldn’t really call myself much of a designer, but I like to imagine that I have a fairly “creative” mindset to give this place some life. Because of this. I should spend some time tonight and tomorrow brainstorming some ideas and hope that I won’t gouge my gil count.
I don’t actually plan showcasing the “development” of the place all of that much. I’ll probably do a before and after shot but not much else. While surprising folks may be a cool idea. I doubt many would be interested in the end. Afterall this is a piece of content that not many people get the luxury of experiencing (to a degree).
With all of that away, I want to show another screenshot that I had taken about 13 days ago.

There was this tower that I noted when I first explored Shirogane and noticed on the minimap that you could traverse the tower to an extent. The problem was finding out how to climb it. One would think oh the huge arse rope connecting to a boulder to the side of the tower. Unfortunately, there’s no way climbing said boulder.
In reality, you would need to swim behind the tower and then you would find a walkable to surface that allows you to reach the apex. Its kind’ve like a mini Kugane Tower jumping puzzle. Which is really cool to me since I sort’ve love the idea of jumping puzzles in this game. kind’ve just wished that the game had more of these odd and random puzzles out in the open world. The Moonfire Faire festival jumping tower doesn’t really count in my book since I dislike how the developers make it too much of a pain to see the poles to jump on. (Plus there’s way too many people attempting it at the same time. )
Eitherway, I don’t really have much else to add to today’s post sadly. This housing lottery thing was bound to hijack one of these points eventually and I’m just glad that I no longer need to actively play that game anymore. Lets just hope nothing catastrophic happens where I’m offline for more than 45 days.
I hope you folks have a good day/night!