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Endwalker [6.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers.

The Great Work

It would appear that the timing of my screenshots matches the terrible weather in Thavnair. Gonna have to figure out on how to resolve that little conundrum. Fun fact, the weather in this game isn’t random. It has more of a cyclical approach and you can basically predict the weather with near perfect accuracy. Although, there might be some randomness involved but that might be due to very specific weather types or zones.

What I can say is that I’ve noticed consistent weather patterns depending on the time of day (in real life) I hop into the game. The game does have a built in way to forecast weather by up to an hour in advance I believe. In all of the major city-states there should be an npc called Skywatcher in the vicinity of the aetheryte. Talking to them will tell you what the weather will be and what not including the immediate weather and what it will change to for all of the other major zones.

I doubt many people are aware of their existence and how they function. It was rather useful during my time with my recordings when I tried to make seamless “cuts”. Eitherway, not many people are going to care about the weather in the game unless they do GPose, FATEs, Fishing and Sightseeing logs.

With all of that out of the way, I do want to mention of a new found interest in “fountain pens”. I started to do some note-taking and journaling in the traditional sense. Main reason being that I struggle to do that sort of stuff on a computer. Although it can be argued that this blog of mine is effectively me journaling.

However this blog has an intended focus that sort’ve prevents me talking about anything and everything here. Generally, speaking its main focus is that of FFXIV and my interactions with the game. I do go beyond that at times but whoever reads this for a fair amount of time can tell that I try to revolve around the game itself and not other things like real life.

Its more out of princpial than anything else. Same reason why I have no interest in setting up ads for this website.

Anyways, my new interest has sparked some joy into actually writing onto paper and I kind’ve want to write everything with a fountain pen. The slight problem with that is well… It will bring some odd attention to myself. Secondly, fountain pens aren’t as versatile like a ballpoint pen. Meaning that even some types of paper/material won’t be useable for fountain pens.

You know what sucks even more? I don’t have enough time to keep talking about fountain pens. I had a whole plan to go with only for it to be dashed by the ever encroaching deadline. There’s one last major thing that I want to mention before bringing this post to a close. I found a new plot to bid on the next lottery phase. It has all of the major conditions that I want and whats nice is that its in a ward that can only be bidded by individual buyers not Free Companies. Lets hope my third attempt will be the last.

I hope you folks have a good day/night!