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Shadowbringers [5.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers.

The Derelicts

I really should invest in more time on talking to npcs in the future. I was sort’ve bored and decided to walk around the place and spoke to the npcs. I learned mainly that I wished to have spent more time during the Main Scenario Quests talking to them. It appears that a lot of their dialogue change throughout the expansion as a whole. I believe the NPC called “Tui-Shirr” is one of the many examples that had dialogue change over time. Currently, he spoke of getting people to help and assist in rounding up all of the shipwrecks into stuff thats actually seaworthy.

Apparently, Gamerscape’s wiki has his prior dialogue present. Thats fairly helpful since I have no idea as to what these people had said previously. He also is apart of a side quest related towards the shipwrecks. Overall, its really cool to see these small details present in the game.

Oh yeah, I should mention I haven’t abandoned my goal with completing Fates or anything. I had wanted to get my blue mage of sufficent level so that I can more easily solo grind fates. Atleast the typical ones that is. The only problem is that I don’t have the requiste spells nor the level needed to effectively do Fates at the moment.

I intend on getting back into the blue mage grind to atleast level 50 tonight and will probably take a brief break afterwards. 10,000 fates are going anywhere anytime soon. Although, I would like to complete them in a fairly swift timeframe. Possibly before Dawntrail?

Now that would be an immense undertaking on me end considering we are looking at roughly 200-300 hours. 4 hours of grinding a day will take me about 50-60 days to complete all of the necessary Fates. Its gonna be a challenge and I will try to avoid burning myself out on it.

With all I have to say for today. I hope you folks have a good day/night!