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Shadowbringers [5.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers.

The Capitol

Quite the view. The sights look far better closer up than far in the distance like before. I don’t even remember there trees being here. Honestly I felt like this entire area was just brick and motor. Its nice to see some form of vegetation.

Moving away from that. I mentioned last week about writing a story. I haven’t shown the story with the exception of a few friends of mine getting some thoughts as I continue typing it out. The main thing that I wanted to mention unlike last time is that I have completed the first chapter for the story. Obviously, I would need to go back and do some editing yet at the same time I wouldn’t really know how to properly edit and fix my own stuff.

If I do get to a stage where the rough draft is complete and I have some money saved up. I could consider on hiring an actual editor which will allow me to get some idea as to how horrible my writing is and where its best to learn. It won’t likely be cheap and while I could edit it myself. I don’t exactly have a degree in English nor is my proofreading skills up to snuff. I think the main thing that will help me alot is actually reading my own stuff.

I have a bit of a problem where once I type something. I never look at it again. There are times where I do actually look at it my stuff if I feel like its needed but tend to just type it and move on. If I ever do intend to start going down any route with actually making a full on book for people to purchase. I will get an editor regardless of my capabilities. My own eyes can be quite blind and is partially why I’m trying to get people to read my rough drafts.

Anyways, I didn’t mention this either but I successfully created two sets of 4 star gear for some combat jobs in FFXIV. One of them is meant for my friend and another is for myself. I’ll probably make another set for a friend but its nice that I can actually craft the stuff. I probably shouldn’t have taken the mantle of being a mentor for crafters/gatherers but I like to offer help to those that are new or confused. At this stage I can probably answer most questions or offer some kind of help. When it comes to stuff like expert recipes and sublime nodes. I know very little of that stuff.

Sadly that is all I have for today. There’s more that I could say but don’t want to find myself going past the deadline due to me typing too much. I hope you folks have a good day/night!

Oh crap forgot to mention this. Yesterday, for whatever reason the image didn’t get generated properly. If someone happened to check the server in those first few minutes of me posting. They would’ve saw a new post with no image. Its been fixed thankfully yet I do wonder as to how it happened.