[2.0] A Realm Reborn: Post may contain potential spoilers.


The place that breeds astrologians right? Kind’ve a Heavensward thing, but this tower has some story value during A Realm Reborn. Apparently, these Astrologians can look at the stars and be able to forsee events that can happen. I don’t recall the details, but they got this fancy tower that is a pain to climb without flying. I sort’ve made it look shorter than it seems, but honestly. Its pretty tall and my little legs would probably flop around on step 25. A nemesis that not even I could predict.

You know what? I should go down and dabble in the path of Astrologian. I have already maxxed out White Mage and Sage. Should be a perfect opportunity to finish off the two other healers. Although, I am kind’ve enjoying Black Mage quite a bit. Might be getting attached to those leylines. I wonder if they added some kind of drug into it.

Anyhow, I like Coerthas region as a whole. I like a chiller environment unlike where I live in real life. Sometimes I wish I could move closer to the northern pole, but I’m fairly certain to regret that idea in the long run.

That’s going to be all for the day. I hope I didn’t mention anything yesterday that I will talk about today. I sort’ve forgot on what I wanted to say today and I don’t really want to look at the previous post.

Side note: I just realized before posting that the tower in the screenshot isn’t perfectly straight on my character. I should’ve froze my character to prevent idle movement. Oh well, I guess its a perfect opportunity to torture people with this knowledge now.