[2.0] A Realm Reborn: Post may contain potential spoilers.

Moonfire Faire

So yeah… Didn’t realize that this event had started recently. Should’ve posted about it yesterday. Anyhow, here’s some fireworks to gaze at.

Also, here’s another screenshot from a friend that they had sent to me for this post.

You may have noticed the little watermark in the bottom left of the their screenshot. Quite simply, they used the builtin screenshot for the game. Meanwhile, I use an alternate tool to take screenshots since I tend to have a bit more control of it than the builtin one does. Plus it doesn’t have the watermark. Sadly, I don’t really have much to mention about the whole event other than its a lot of obstacles and lots of people swarming it.


Alright, here’s a special topic for the day. Currently, I own a Pinephone. A Pinephone as in its name is a phone. The main difference between it and every other phone is that it doesn’t use Android nor iOS. Its a pure linux phone.

Surprisingly, it works fairly well in comparison to when I first got it. Due to the beauty of open-source development. This niche phone has improved vastly since its introduction. Back when I used to mess with it. Calling had a lot of problems in quality and reliability, constantly don’t receive text messages, performance is terrible and the fella dies in a hour even while turned off. Thankfully, most of these problems have been relatively resolved. The core problem with it now is its performance. Although, they did recently released the Pinephone Pro, but I am slightly hesitant to get due to its underdeveloped state. Personally, I would love to help in improving the devices for general use. Unfortunately, I lack the knowledge and experience to assist in any meaningful way.

There’s one idea that I thought about experimenting with. Making a game. To be a bit more exact. I am thinking about going with an old school Final Fantasy style of game. Due to the lack of precision and performance that one has with these devices. Making a game in this enviroment would be neat in my opinion, plus would help me with the whole storytelling stuff that I want to do.

Ultimately, a simple idea with not much grounds to work with. If I do intend to mess with the idea. I need to make something incredibly simple and I’ll probalby have to build it from scratch since I won’t have a lot of perfomance to work with. .

A bit of an rushed post today, hopefully I’ll try to avoid such a time crunch tomorrow. However, such promises I cannot make. Have a fair day/night.