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Shadowbringers [5.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers.


Here’s a town in the middle of the zone. Thats about all I have for today. Atleast when it comes to the screenshot of the day. Lets move onto the Fanfest’s reveal of the next expansion.


Up above is the teaser trailer that was shown during Fanfest. Its honestly what I was hoping the next expansion would be. I really didn’t want another save the world sort of situation. Although, I do hope that they really twist things up in this expansion. A personal desire is to shake things up with the main cast and set a good chunk of them to the side. Hell I would be down for one or two of them actually dying. We haven’t had a scion or close friend die since Post-Heavensward. Atleast from what I recall.

While this new expansion main focus is on adventure. I do hope that they will begin to lay the foundations for something earth shattering. Then again it would be really difficult to beat the entire story arc from A Realm Reborn to Endwalker. I will simply be content that this expansion is more of a relaxing journey and is mostly seperate from any grand story arc.

Anyways, there’s a lot of stuff going with this upcoming expansion. Namely the graphical upgrade to the game. Its nothing major, but its a much needed improvement as a whole. I’m hoping the main advantage to this upgrade is the lightning. I noticed from a lot of my own screenshots that the lightning in this game is rather lacking. So lets just hope that this update will fix that. Sadly, this also results in an increase on hardware requirements and while I meet the recommended specs. I’m still concerned on how this would impact my ability to play this game.

Might need to make a rather dissapointing decision when that happens.

Aside from that. The next major patch (6.5) is going to have an significant update to the game’s free trial. It will be adding the Stormblood expansion to the free trial. Thats probably another 1000 hours worth of potential playtime for non-subbed players. Although, I could never play the game with so many social restictions. Its an MMO and I want access to social features of the game. Even though, I don’t use any of it. My desire still stands!

Another significant change with Dawntrail is that we will be getting an update to the Dye System. We would be able to dye gear with two dyes instead of one. Not entirely certain as to how it will work, but I imagine one dye will change a major portion of the gear while the other changes the remaining portion.

Sadly, I’m am only really talking about this stuff through my own memory and probably forgot a bunch of neat things. Honestly I’m probably going to end today’s post here. My mind seems unable to break away from my own thoughts and it bothers the living hell out of me. I really wish these thoughts would just go away, but at the same time wish there was something I could do about it.

Lets not get into too much of rant with that though. Feels rather weird to include when mentioning about the next expansion. So… I hope you folks have a good day/night!

Side note: This was the first time in a long time where Hugo spat me with an error when publishing this post. It was simply due to me leaving out the placeholder shortcode for extra images I include the post, but it was a tad frightening to see. I really do hope that the sheer quantity of posts doesn’t become a problem in the future.