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Shadowbringers [5.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers.

The Church At Dammroen Field

Huh… Why does it feel like I’m looking at the ruins over at Lakeland? Probably because ruins has been a consistent theme with Shadowbringers. Anyways I have finished the trial for patch 6.4 and the MSQ portion of it. Gotta say I found myself laughing at one the characters that were introduced. Mainly because I had a friend who was literally wondering about their appearance due to another character presence.

They haven’t gotten through that content yet mainly because they are waiting for another to catch up with the story. I don’t feel that tied with them since I can just play through it a gain without much concern. Plus I like the peace of going at my own pace in a way.

I even jumped into the Variant Dungeon today and found that to be fairly interesting as well. Heck I find some of the new clothing options to be a worthwhile endeavour (although they cost way too much on the market board right now)

Sadly, I gotten way to distracted by these two things that I kind’ve forgot to make a post for today.

One thing I like to mention that tomorrow will probably be a planned screenshot of sorts since I will be out of town and won’t be able to effectively get a screenshot. I still will be able to make the post just won’t get a screenshot. Essentially, it makes no difference to those that are reading this.

I probably wanted more to say, but due to the distractions. We gotta bring this post to a short end today. I hope you folks have a good day/night!