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Shadowbringers [5.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers.

Longmirror Lake

Its a lake with some submerged buildings underneath it. What more do you want from me? Anyways lets talk about submersibles for a bit.

Free Company Workshop Progress

So I did some rough math with how much I have invested into submersibles for the Free Company Workshop. With all of the individual sub parts converted into gil. I have invested in 30 million gil. Those subs have only just recently started to reel in some profits. Today its only 114,000 gil. In the future (once I upgrade every submersible), I could see roughly 400K gil per day.

This has been a year long project so far and sadly I need to invest another 36 million gil to get around what I would consider “complete”. Although, the current goal isn’t the most lucrative method. I’ll worry about that when the submersibles can start to haul in some actual profits.

Anyhow, I have successfully completed one of my long-term goals with the workshop and I get to savor it a tad. Sadly, one fully modified submersible isn’t enough to be a proper passive income. As such, I still have another 3 to go. Thankfully I already have another submersible at sufficent rank to be equiped with another set. If only I can push myself for a few more grind sessions.

Here’s a video doing a “quick” timelapse of me submitting all of the materials to create the modified submersible. Fun fact, it took me roughly 20 minutes to turn in all of the materials to create all of the submersible parts.

Its nothing special and for those who are aware of submersibles. I’m using the SSSC++ configuration which to my understanding isn’t the best setup but is more of a baseline. For those uninitiated, SSSC++ is an acronym of each sub part being used. “S” stands for Shark-class and “C” stands for Coelcanth-class. Its in order starting with Pressure Hull, Stern, Bow and then Bridge. The “++”" at the end indicates that all parts are using the modified variant.

Uh… One of the main issues with submersible information is that alot of it is gated behind spreadsheets and a discord (which I’m not part of). I don’t really use them but I do have a general idea of the process and all.

I believe the first post that I had mentioned about building submersibles was post 65. Doesn’t look like there was any previous mentions, but I mainly did a skim through prior posts.


Well Dag nabit. The servers are down for maintenance and I want to be in the game right now. Why is that when I want to play the most is when its down!? It matters not in the end. I will get my enjoyment out of the new content soon enough. Although the taste of me grinding thousands of resources hasn’t left me. Would it be bad if I wanted more of it?

Anyways… Thats all I have for today and I hope you folks have a wonderful day/night!