Shadowbringers [5.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers.
Mt Gulg
A rather fantastical set piece to a fairly plain zone. Kind’ve wonder for how long that stone giant needs to stand there holding onto the floaing mountain top.
One Arbitrary Year Later
So it will officially be one year from my first post. Its kind’ve hard to comprehend the age of this blog in a way. How many posts have effectively blended into one? I feel like things have taken a better turn past Feburary, but kind’ve fell back down into a bit of a lull a couple months afterwards. Its interesting to see a somewhat cyclical process with this blog so far.
As it stands. I have no interest in stopping. I also want to ensure on making a post every single day. Apparently, I have only missed 10 or so days over the course of a year. I did take a week away from the blog, yet it seems like I missed more days than normal. My math must be off or something.
I don’t really know the value behind this blog at all. It could be a form of archive, but an archive of what? Thats where the problem stems with this blog. It focuses purely on taking a screenshot from a specific game (right now) and I type a jumble of words. The screenshots are fundamentally the core of this blog and is kind’ve why I decided to take on the whole preservation idea for Final Fantasy XIV (which is still on hiatus). Its kind’ve the whole point of this blog or atleast what it has became.
Anyways, lets take a look at the first screenshot I posted.

Some Nonsensical Remarks.
Oh dear. I just read what was typed in that post and it was something to say the least. Its funny how I mentioned about making a “web novel of sorts”. I can’t deny that it would be something that I like to do but doubt that time will be generous to me. Fun fact, my character is actually hiding behind the fence since these first few screenshots I didn’t know how to hide my character.
My orignal approach to hiding my character kind’ve sparked the whole idea of taking screenshots in a way. To be quite honest, this whole series was on a whim. The Hydaelyn Preservation Project was actually an idea that I had before my screenshot posts. The only reason why I didn’t do it at first was due to a sound issue in OBS (Took me a couple months to finally figure out what the issue was).
I think my first method of making posts was created by the 7th or 8th post that used Ansible of all things. It took like 200 or so posts afterwards till I used a much more compatible version.
One thing that I like to mention is the “Stockpiling” rule I created for myself. To this day, I stil don’t have a stockpile on screenshots. The only times I ever had was for maintenance periods for the servers. Even then I try to avoid stockpiling screenshots as much as possible.
But man… I don’t really feel much of anything right now. Has anything truly changed for me in this past year? Well obviously the blog of course, but it lacks direction in a way. I don’t feel all that content for this milestone. Maybe because for the many positives that this blog has created for me. It has also created many negatives. Eitherway, its something I need to deliberate about.
The journey never truly ends. Atleast for me and this blog. With this milestone out of the way. Its time for me to hit my new goal of 1000 posts. Roughly one third of the way there and hopefully I’ll keep trucking along. As always, hope you folks have a good day/night!