Shadowbringers [5.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers.
Hate Among Giants
I swore that in game it said “Hare Among Giants”, but maybe I’m wrong. One interesting thing about this place is that its home to a FATE quest thing in the area. Happened to be a hideout for brigands. Anyways, lets move onto a slightly more interesting topic.
Sword Chronicles Noble House Creator
Sword Chronicles is a Tabletop RPG that was recreated from the Song of Ice and Fire Tabletop RPG due to licensing reasons. Anyways, the “Chronicle System” is fairly fascinating especially with its “Intrigue” mechanics. Intrigue effectively operates as a form of social combat allowing characters to be influenced against their own desires (including player characters). Its a great assest in a semi-political focused game.
Moving on from that I made a “generator” for Noble Houses. The game allows players to make a Noble House together which sort’ve acts as its own game. I put a fair amount years ago making a python script that automates the majority of tasks for creating a new House.

Honestly, its probably one of the best things I had ever made. I even made a side script that does the monthly upkeeps, but has quite a few flaws. Eitherway, I was fairly happy with it and sort’ve forgot about it.
Recently I wanted to get back into Godot (a game engine/editor), but didn’t have a clear goal on what to make. I then remembered of my old python script and decided to recreate it. Down below is the “results”

Mind you that while it has most of the stuff implemented from my scripts. It clearly lacks in the UI department. Thats partly because I want to go above and beyond with this idea and try to introduce every mechanic that goes into making a house. While I have two thirds of it completed. I now have to go and work on the monumental task of allowing you to invest in these resources.
Regardless, I don’t have too many plans on making frequent blog posts with my progress. Its not complicated but its mainly a tedious process. Honestly, I’m more concerned on the UI and how to improve the user experience.
Thats all I have left for today’s blog post. I hope you folks have a good day/night!