[2.0] A Realm Reborn: Post may contain potential spoilers.


You know what I lack? Clearly not what the title says. I lack time. An essential resource that one spends on an hourly basis. These folks in this little tavern here has all the time in the world and you know what they do? They stand there waiting till some adventurer interacts with poor soul. Lucky bastards. Rant aside. Here’s the last (at this moment) screenshot for Mor Dhona. Decided to take a shot in inside one of the structures instead of being outside. I try to make these screenshot different from the last, but sometimes I just don’t do that. Since I have reached the conclusion of these little city-state showcase, I’ll tackle a couple more screenshot on some familiar places that players would know. In fact, one of those locations is in Mor Dhona. Finally, I’ll probably go back due some random zone screenshots. Possibly adding a story to them (kind of like the little tree chopping one.)

Hope you folks have a good day/night.