Stormblood [4.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers.
One step at a time
Gotta say, its strange to still consider that I’ve hit 300 posts as of now. Sure I may not feel much with this milestone, but the journey has been quite something else. Unlike the previous two expansions. This expansion had a lot of lows and highs. Heck this blog had one of the best and worst months at this time. Atleast in my opinion. I don’t think a single post can properly capture what it was like to reach this milestone.
Nevertheless, it makes me wonder what it will be like down in the future. With two more expansions and 200 posts remain. So much can happen in those 200 days and all I can do is to simply take one step at a time. Still, its an unpredictable future with an ever changing world. I just hope that I won’t lose my footing along the way.
Regardless with how things will play out in the future. I hope there are those that find this blog as a whole with interest. Obviously, I don’t expect anyone to sit here and read each and every single post. Final Fantasy XIV isn’t really a game meant to be watched or seen from an outside view. Personally its all about the experience and this blog in many small ways is meant to capture what its like. This game isn’t meant for everyone, but no one should be devoid of it. Its a phenomenal experience one that must touched by future generations.
No matter what a journey must have an end and I don’t intend on reaching it anytime soon.
Nyunkrepf’s Hope

So… I mentioned that there was going to be a “best” screenshot from the past 100 posts. There were quite a few contendors that could’ve made the top. Unfortunately, I am but one mind and that mind has a lot of biases. As such Nyunkrepf’s Hope reigns supreme for this “expansion”. Honestly, the lightning has a huge impact with the quality of these screenshots. It kind’ve makes me wonder if my screenshots from the past were any good.
Now I haven’t done anything crazy with these posts recently. I have zero interest on delving down the path of hell just to make these posts flourish. It would question the point of my journey so far. Still its kind’ve intriguing that I made the post’s title as “One step at a time”. I didn’t have any thoughts on what to do for this post and it sort’ve flew in out of nowhere. To be quite honest, its partly the reason as to why I intend to take a week long break from this blog. I just never envisioned it in this fashion.
I don’t know how much people sit there and contemplate about other people’s work. One thing has become very clear to me though. Someone’s work says a lot about their mental state. Its something that I caught on with myself ages ago and in some ways took advantage of. May not be the best way to phrase it, but without a doubt I learned many things through introspection. My own work is simply an outlet for my subconcious mind, one that I have to piece together to understand. I wonder if there’s anything I can figure out with 300 posts of mine.
Anyhow, I hope you folks set out on your own journey and may you all have a good day/night!