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Stormblood [4.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers.

The White Aisle

So… I just realized that I didn’t do the monthly post for checking my wordcounts. Oh well. I more or less forgotten about it till about now. I also noticed that I haven’t been doing the tags nor alt text for these posts. Welp. Sadly, I’m gonna have to go back and fix them at some point (like the other 200 posts or so).

On that note. I got nothing for today. Seriously, I haven’t spent any time in the game as of late. I literally hop into the game to get a screenshot and then immediately jump out. I’ve been trying to play other games as of late plus focus on some other stuff like learning German.

Fun fact, I started to make flashcards for the most “common” words for German only to sit there part way and reconsider that the list I’m utilizing ain’t all that great. I’m just going to get a list of the most common words in English and then manually check its German counterpart. That way I’m fairly confident that the words I’ll be remembering will actually be useful and “organized”.

Anyhow, I hope you folks have a good day/night!