Stormblood [4.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers.
The Ephor
Huh. Something feels off with this shot. Well clearly today’s screenshot is pretty bad all things consider. The subject is highly obscured by darkness and it doesn’t help that the rock is similar to the statue. A very unfortunate situation nevertheless. Regardless, there’s something very odd about this statue. It has a striking resembalance to that of another statue in this zone.
If only I got a closer shot in the day… Oh wait I did.

Interesting. The first thing that popped into my mind when I saw this statue was that it was also missing its right arm to that of The Choler. Fascinating almost. It got me wondering on the other similarities between these two statues. So I decided to get another shot of The Choler.

This my friend is a prime example of reusing assests. Heck even the flipping platform is identical to The Choler. The only difference between these two statues is that of the location and their size. The Ephor is roughly twice the size of The Choler, but I doubt many people would notice the difference between them.
Lets be honest, very few people would recognize the identical looks of these statues. The only way one would even notice is if they travel to both of them in a fairly short time frame. I would probably be an exception to that rule, but I spend a lot more time inspecting the landmarks. I don’t blame anyone for never noticing since one of the statues are gated behind flight. Although, this expansion isn’t the latest anymore, so I doubt many would stay outside of questing/leveling.
Unfortunately, there isn’t really much else to talk about since I already delved into the statue with The Choler. It would’ve been neat if the other half of the statue was missing instead. They could’ve played a whole ying and yang idea between the two, but development time was probably tight with this expansion. I can understand the need to reuse assests, yet I never expected myself to see two identical statues in the same zone. You think it would be trees not some landmark. Oh well, Lets just use this as a reminder for future posts I suppose.

So I’ve been considering on taking a break for the past month or two now. I originally intended to take a week break from the blog after hitting post 500, then it became post 365. Recently, I decided to visit some family for next month. It would last about a week and while I can still make posts outside of town. I felt it might be a better opportunity to take break then and recuperate.
Taking breaks is a healthy thing to do every once in a while especially when a project like mine never “ends”. For nearly over 200 posts, I spent maybe less than an hour with each post. This afforded me time to handle other tasks and to simply rest. Since the middle of March the standard of the posts have changed (in my opinion positively). Resulting on more time spent in making these posts. This has started to become a slight problem in some areas.
To be blunt, I want to take a week away from the blog to see how it will effect me mentally and what can be done to improve the blog. Either way, I intend to use it as a way to take a break of having to worry about posting every single day.
Now this vacation will be happening in May starting on either 13th or the 14th and ending on the 20th. I will be back with more posting on May 21st. Don’t expect any major changes when I return, but hopefully this opportunity will bring forth the best of me (whatever that means). Sounded like some corporate propaganda nonsense for a moment please excuse of my odd tone.
Obviously, I don’t intend to stop this blog anytime soon. This game offers nearly an unlimited amount of ways to explore. Lets just hope that I don’t find myself spiraling down to a creative death.
Anyhow, I hope you folks have a good day/night!