Stormblood [4.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers.
Momoroon’s Milk
Hello one and all. Another day and another post. As predicted I didn’t make a post yesterday. Sadly, I didn’t get out of bed till past midnight. Atleast this time I have plenty of sleeping and some stuff to talk about for today. Firstly, lets dive into today’s screenshot.
I have no idea as to the point of this location’s name, but its an odd one to say the least. “Momoroon” appears to correlate with a name while “milk” is something that said person had given to these people. I think the milk that the name speak of is this one:

(Side note: The item is foating above on what is assumed to be an altar.) Although, I have no idea on if this is truly the “Milk” that these “beasts” desire. They do however seem very keen on protecting this area (considering the fact there’s one of them standing in this shot). Either way, I’m fairly confident that whatever is in that drink isn’t particularly good for the citizens of Eorzea.
Moving on from that. Lets talk about the odd population count of these fellas known as Qiqirn. So from looking at this screenshot there’s about 3 huts built and about 6 Qiqirns. Outside of the screenshot there’s probably about an additional dozen or so. The reason on why I point out these numbers is that it feels rather odd. I know very little how these folks operate on a daily basis, but I don’t think they operate in the same way as other Qiqirn do (probably because of that milk).
After some consideration I can imagine the number of huts is an suitable difference with the Qiqirn. Main reason being is that a good chunk of them will be on night duty while atleast half are resting inside. Heck they could even have additional shifts to spread them out even more. Point is I can see them live comfortably even if it may seem bizarre at a glance. Although, I doubt that they have enough of this “milk” to keep their addiction going. Then again there’s no point for me to delve on that since the “milk” was mysteriously floating on the altar (I know that its just object collison but do the characters in-game see that?).
Lets move away from these folks and onto these floating rocks. I swear they just added these into the game like those weird looking trees in the Churning Mists for no real particular reason. I hope that when I get those damn lore books, that it will pertain some info about those trees. Anyhow, These rocks eerily float and are reminiscent to that of trees almost as if they are a symbol of this zone. Then again I think they only exist along the border between the two major areas of this zone. I wonder if they will eventually die and fall ontop of someone’s head. Imagine having to look out for floating rocks that can at random fall onto you.
I still can’t get my head out about these looking like those trees in Heavensward. They even have a similar type of color which is very odd to be a coincidence. The color of these rocks don’t even match that of the zone. It probably does up above the cliff, but these rocks only exist down here. Regardless, they are very interesting to look at and I hope something is mentioned about them.
One last thing before hoping onto another topic. You see that huge dish? Well it was orignally part of Specula Imperatoris atleast till one of the towers collapsed into multiple pieces. I did wonder a tad as to where the top went never realizing it was down below the cliff in this “village”. To be quite honest, it looked like a satelite dish that the Garleans haphazardly installed into the cliffside. Eh. For as interesting it was to make note of, there wasn’t much to talk about it sadly.
Island Sanctuary
So its been about 226 posts ago when I first mentioned about Island Sanctuary. I think the last post I made was post 67. Man its kind’ve weird to look at that post again. Well I forgotten what I have said in that post, but taking a quick skim and oh boy. My standards were clearly different back then. Although, my standards haven’t improved much till very recently. I should put a disclaimer stating about how horrible those posts were. Regardless, I wasn’t intending to talk crap about my posts right now.
Firstly, I want to state that Island Sanctuary is technically 6.X content but taken the liberaty to ignore my rules with that specific piece. Secondly, I mainly want to talk a bit about the island a tad.
Lets get the weird discovery out of the way first. I learned that you can use the “doze” emote on the bed and it will actually make the character sleep.

This probably works with other beds, but never tested it. Also, I do wish they add some kind of room for the player character. Its kind’ve awkward to be sleeping right next to a stall with unobstructed sight.
With that odd discovery out of the way lets talk about the new rank cap.
Rank 12
I’ve been slacking for a bit with the 6.3X patch cycle. Atleast when it comes to the Island Sanctuary. Thankfully, I finally hit Rank 12 for the island and wished there was more to it. I knew way in advance that this patch had very little content for the Island, but still its weird that they added it at all. All they realistically did was add a couple new items to gather and farm for and some attire to acquire upon reaching rank 12.
Thankfully, the 6.4 patch intends to add abit more beef with the Island like a new construction types and such forth. Sadly, I feel like the island doesn’t achieve what I want it to. It just feels barren in scope. Obviously, the developers intend to add more content to the Island later on, yet it doesn’t help dissipate my concerns. I think the core problem of the Island Sanctuary as a whole is that there’s no point for people to visit it. Not only that, you have to go out of your way to unlock said content even if you don’t want to work on your own island.
Incentive is the crux of the Island. Sure you got ranks and new landmarks to build from time to time. However the key thing about MMOs is to show off what you have made and grinded for. When players are required to reach level 90 and beat Endwalker just to be able to visit is pretty dissapointing. Obviously, there’s a “lore” reason for it, then again I don’t think thats a valid excuse. Shoudln’t the developers allow lower level players to access these areas to see the potential of this content it could even convince them to actually try it out once they reach level 90. I suppose the reason why I’m ranting is the fact that I know zero people who have an island.
Unfortunately, there really isn’t much incentive for me to drag people into this content. Ultimately, this content is seen as a casual experience and is unlikely to improve beyond that fact.
That was a bit of a sad tone at the end. Didn’t really intended for that to happen, but oh well.
Fun fact, I use this website called Word Count. My built in editor doesn’t have any capacity to tell me the word count, so I just use an website. One interesting aspect about this website is that they have some optional “AI” stuff. Essentially, you can have it do a few things to get a few results.
Oh boy, I tried to see what happen if I had it convert my post into a “casual” format and yeah the post became very cringe worthy. It clearly didn’t take any inspiration from my writing style when it was reformatted. I don’t really care in the grand scheme of things. It was a tool I never intend to utilize and has become abundantly clear that I should avoid using.
Let me add one more thing before bring this post to a close. You may have noticed me linking back to some of my older posts. This is sort’ve the first time I have done so (with this amount). I’m starting to reach a point of mass where these posts can start to reference each other. It would prove to be a boon in the long run and as such intend to start linking my own posts more. Sadly, since a lot of my posts don’t have tags. Its a bit of a pain to search for the posts I want (thankfully, I started at one point naming them based on landmarks.). Thats more of an issue that I will tackle in the future.
Anyhow, thats all I got for today and I hope you folks have a good day/night!