Stormblood [4.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers.
Specula Imperatoris
Here’s a fairly important portion of this zone. Apparently, the three towers weren’t built all at once. The first was built after the of conquering Gyr Abania. While the other two were created with the intent to invade Eorzea. Roughly speaking of course. Although, its clear that one of the towers are now missing. I don’t believe the warrior of light was involved with that.
One funny and annoying aspect of this zone is this location walls. If you never obtain flight in this zone. You have to talk two guards in order to reach the other side of the base. It can be fairly annoying, especially when you forget about it. I do wonder though. What use to be here?
You can tell that there use to be some pillars towards the cliff. Sadly, they had been destroyed presumably from the invasion. Chances are its part of the odd bridge up the cliffs, but it makes want to speculate on if something existed before Specula Imperatoris (or otherwise known as “The Emperor’s Tower”). Given the significant role that the bridge holds. I can imagine something had existed before being replaced by a military installation.
You may be asking about a bridge? Well here’s another image showing the ruins of said bridge.

Well… Calling it a bridge might be a tad inaccurate. It was certainly a passage that bridged the gap of these two major areas. Then again, there’s really nothing left of said bridge/road. One interesting part about this whole road was that it had two paths instead of one. I don’t think they were symmetrical, but did have paths leading to the bottom and top.
There’s one thing of note from this whole canyon area. That is the structures built into the cliffs. I assume they are tunnels of some kind. Probably for mining purposes. However, I don’t think thats the most wise thing considering they would be boring straight under their base of operations. Unless the rock is sound. I can quickly imagine them mining too much and the whole places collapses within. Its a lot of metal in one concentrated spot. Also doesn’t help that a tower has fallen at one point.
Some of the tunnels could’ve collapsed already killing/trapping a chunk of people. An unfortunate sight to behold. It would be wise to avoid those tunnels until one is suitably equiped.
You know something that is incredibly important to do? Ventures. You want to know who never does them? Well obviously me. I have a bad habit of never doing ventures with my retainers. In turn they are under-leveled and are borderline useless. Supposedly, they are an invaluable asset in terms of passive income, but I have no idea if thats the case. There’s only one way to find out.
Here’s an odd fact. You can instantly level a retainer to lvl 80 by buying some stuff at the mogstation. I’m quite tempted to say the least. Although, I have plenty of time to spend. As such, its best if I don’t waste my money on something arbitrary like expediting the leveling process.
That’s about all I got for today.
I did go and watch Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves today. Thought the movie was pretty good. I really like the “using intelligence as a dump stat” joke. While I love to play Tabletop-RPGs. I can’t offer much opinions in regards to the movie. Oh I can say is that its better than the first Dungeons & Dragons movie. (Its also better than that interactive Dungeons & Dragons movie if you know what I’m talking about.)
Beyond that, there’s not really much else to mention. Hopefully, I don’t find myself passing out when coming back from work tomorrow. If I don’t make a post tomorrow, then you would know why.
Anyhow, I hope you folks have a good day/night!