Stormblood [4.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers.
Nyunkrepf’s Hope
Or alternatively known as Noah’s Ark. Although, this ship still survived past the Fifth Astral Era. Apparently, its one of the few remaining from that era. I don’t know what other relics that have survived beyond that point, but learning a tad about the era is fascinating.
Sadly, there’s a lot going on history wise for me to talk a sliver of it. Personally, I like to save it once I can tell the history in full (Summarized of course). I gonna have to wait till Endwalker.
Moving on from that. I find it peculiar that this ship happened to land on the mountain and its chained. I know the logic behind it, but still feels very odd.
Hunt Train

Here’s some random thing that happened today. I don’t usually particpate in hunt trains. Of course, this is one of the few days when I do. Thought it would be neat to get a shot of it since there were a fair amount of folks particpating.
To be quite honest, these past two days haven’t been my groove. I want to do these posts, yet unable to really focus on these posts. Maybe its just due to me wanting to work on other stuff. Or… I’m too distracted to watch some shows. Anyhow, today isn’t going to be some special post. I don’t got enough time to focus on that.
Tomorrow probably won’t be too different due to work.
On that note, I’ve been considering on going back to the beginning of the game and doing new game+. Its been a long time since I did A Realm Reborn and the other expansions. Depending on where things go. I might start doing that and use it as an excuse to talk about the lore of the game.
Either way, I hope you folks have a good day/night!