Stormblood [4.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers.

Bardam’s Mettle

I love the dungeon’s description. Essentially, the description speaks of how you are meant to take the rite of passge, so that the others will recognize you as a warrior. You are suppose to do this alone, but since this is FFXIV and they need an excuse for you to have others join you. So word for word they say this:

“Each must do this by themselves, of course, and so you shall…though if by pure coincidence some of your fellow adventurers happened to have made the long journey to the Far East, and simply insisted on accompanying you…surely no one would be any the wiser?”

Sure… Kind’ve wished I had read that description when I did that dungeon once. Oh well. Also this was the first time I had used explorer mode. It gets rid of all of the enemies and enables mounts in the dungeons. It essentially allows one to “explore” the dungeon. In this case, I decided to get a screenshot at the end of the dungeon.

Its kind’ve cool in a way. The way it glows and that the animals all go in the same direction is interesting. To my understanding this rite of passage was meant to put us in the shoes from one of a great warrior of yore. I suppose the part that set him different from the rest was that he tamed some beast that I think is crucial around the Nadaam or something. I can’t even recall much of this zone.

Honestly, the only thing that I can recall from this zone as a whole is the “little sun” phrase made by one of the Scions. It was quite the burn to say the least.

Tags again

Remember how I mentioned about the whole tag thing yesterady? Probably no one. Anyways, I decided to just start adding them to new posts starting now. However, I have no idea if I’m doing them right since I never added more than one tag per post before. I’ll find out once I make this post. It will help sort out this massive sludge of posts for newcomers.

Now in regards to the previous posts. Eventually, they will have their tags updated as well. Its a lot of posts however. So don’t expect sudden changes in the near future. I gotta get a habit with added them in the first place.

Whats sad about it too is that I can’t automate the tags. I have to manually type them in. You know what. I might be able to benefit off of ChatGPT in the future. That would be so nice if ChatGPT would automatically make tags based on the context within the post. Unfortunately, I’m expecting too much with ChatGPT. On that note, I should talk briefly about ChatGPT.

ChatGPT or any other “AI” tool

I don’t intend on utilizing an “AI” assistance of any kind when it comes to the content of these posts. While I see zero issues in automating certain tasks like tags. I don’t see any value behind such tools when making these posts. If I were to make a post that relied entirely on ChatGPT. It would destroy me interanally.

This blog is caked with my own biases and experiences. Adding a third party even if it only “assists” will ruin any desire to make posts. Its more out of principal than anything. This blog is in a lot of ways a personal one.

I’m going to keep it simple this time around and bring it to a close now. I could spend hours talking about this stuff, but all you ever need to know is that I don’t want to use “AI” for my posts.

Live Letter inbound

So later tomorrow is going to be FFXIV next Live Letter. I might just stay up till it comes out since I got another developer update to watch shortly after. Normally, I would wait for others to make summaries. However, I just feel like it this time around.

In regards to the other livestream I mentiond. Its about Ashes of Creation and I haven’t been paying too much attention to their development for the past few months. Although, tomorrow’s livestream is going to have some juicy info it seems. Just waiting for that Alpha 2 annoucement. Hopefully, they will release it this year. (I have a suspicion that its not going to happen)

Octopath Traveller 2

So… I’ve gotten into the grove to play a JRPG. I’ve also been itching for a turn-based game for a while as well. It seems that Octopath Traveller 2 came rushing in with both of my problems solved. Gotta say. I’m highly interested in the game.

For as many fuck ups that Square Enix has in recency. This game appears to not be one of them. I never played the first and probably for the best. However this might scratch an itch that I’ve been dying for.

I’m sorry? You mentioned something about Xenoblade Chronicles 3? Who in the world remembers that post!?! For those that haven’t delve into the vast amount of posts of mine.

I made a post (oh god that was over 200 days ago) a while back. Linked above is that post if you want to take a glance at it. To be quite frank. I stopped playing that game part way. Why? I don’t know. Its the same reason why I can play a game for days at a time and then suddenly hop onto another game. I think this blog might be the cause of it. (It might also be because I was only playing it in bed and rathered play it on my desk)

I’ll hop back onto that game on another day. Well to be honest, I have no idea where my switch is and I have yet figured out how to play the game on my computer (or steam deck).

Aetherial Wheels

I think today is the first time that I got a grade 3 wheel of confrontation. Acutally, it just finished charging right as I made that sentence. Talk about the timing. For those unaware, wheels are used by Free Companys to basically make company actions without having to purchase them. They are crafted in a company workshop and are charged (over time) in an Aetherial Wheel Stand

There are multiple levels of stands and there are 3 grades of wheels. Grade 1 are the basic company actions, but can be crafted by an Alchemist I believe. Grade 2 are the second tier of actions and Grade 3 are the third tier. However, tier 3 actions can only be crafted not bought with Company actions. As such being able to make and charge grade 3 wheels is sort’ve a big deal.

Technically, squadrons can also give you a similar tier 3 buffs. Then again tier 3 actions are applied to all FC members not just one person. The only downside is that you can only charge Grade 3 wheels one at a time. You will also need at bare minimum an Level 5 Aetherial Wheel Stand. It also takes 70 hours to charge the dang thing. Which means that you can’t keep a tier 3 buff activated at all times.

This is something for those whom are interested to know about these things.


Well well well. Originally, the Aetherial Wheels were going to be a small addon in the conclusion section. Clearly it blew up more than anticpated. I only got 10 minutes before deadline current me. Gotta finish this post.

One last thing that I want to mention. I finally got the remaining pieces I cocobolo lumber that I needed. Now I just need to suffer on crafting the last tier of submersible componenets.

Anyhow, I hope you folks have a good day/night!