Stormblood [4.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers.

The Wound

I hope this is what it meant by “the wound”. The only reason why I say that is because the pin on the map appeared to be on the other side of this cliff. On a side note, it appears my memory wasn’t entirely accurate.

While there was indeed a cliff on this side of the map. In my mind I thought it was a drop in elevation far as you could see. No matter, it still offers some interesting stuff to look at. In fact, this might be the first time since I ever used an angled camera shot.

However you call it. I kind’ve did it by accident and thought it would be neat to take a shot with the odd angle. No idea if this would be a common tool I’ll use. Its more of a way to instill a certain tone to a shot. Right now, It doesn’t make that much sense for me to use.

Eitherway, you may have noticed that there’s a broken bridge in the distance. I sort’ve wonder how long its been broken. Does anyone ever travel onto the other side? Based on the world map. It appears that it ultimately leads to a sea/bay called “Bay of Yanxia”. Since Reunion commonly has foreign trade. I kind’ve wonder why they haven’t consider on expanding their wares towards the sea.

Although, from my understanding. The culture of these folks that I don’t appear to be built around foreign trade. Could be why they weren’t massively targeted by the Garleans. Now I kind’ve wonder what the origins of the wound is.

Delving further into the world.

Or more accurately, should I spend more time on the lore of the game? I’m not really asking however reads this. This more of a question for myself. I personally find the story to be great, but I never really invested time on the details of the world. I personally try to avoid talking about such details since I spend very little time “researching”.

I’ve kind’ve grown towards the idea of spending a bit more time on understanding the world and some of the intricacies. Honestly, I really want to understand more of the geography of the world. I want to know what logic they have used to create something like The Wound. The Burn is also another interesting topic, but Post-Stormblood and Shadowbringers explained abit on it.

If there isn’t a clear explanation, then maybe I can use some of my real world understanding and see if it can reasonably be applied to it. I wouldn’t consider myself an expert in the field of Geology or anything. I’m amateur at best. However, by exploring both the ingame world and the knowledge of the real one. Can reveal interesting insights.

Mind you, this isn’t something that is bound to happen anytime soon. Personally, I like to reach Endwalker before I start exploring deeply into these ideas.

Crafting Complete

Welp, instead of doing one crafting goal at a time. I decided to complete both of my goals today. The main goals being. Completing the remaining components for my submersible and well.. Crafting half of the gear for the Indagator’s set. If I wasn’t so broke all of the time. I could’ve have finish the other portion of the set, but I’m broke.

Anyhow, hopefully with the upgraded submersible I should be able to get cocobolo lumber more consistently. Once I get that flipping submersible prototype. I’ll be one step away from no longer being in the gutter. Oh wait. I suppose the Free Company will get to benefit as well. Not that the bastards are helping or anything.

I’m over here asking for Grand Comapany Seals and they don’t even bother with giving some to me. Don’t they know that the submersibles will also help them? I’m just gonna smuggle all of the gil to myself. Then again, we are a very small FC with only a few active players. I would say almost 5 players have been online in the past month. All of them (including me) basically have complete control of the FC.

As a whole I find this FC to be in a very fortunate spot. Would I like there to be more other members active as well? Yes. At the same time. I practically live inside the FC. If I’m not doing something. I’m in the FC house. Currently, I’m hanging out in the Company Workshop considering life choices.

That was weird tangent that I had just went on. Although, I should mention that our FC has finally reached Rank 30. (Which is the cap). Oddly, the FC has been around since 2014. We reached rank 30 a few days ago. Gives you an idea on how small and inactive the FC is. I only joined around June of 2021. At the time we were at rank 15.

Holly molly. Its kind’ve weird to even consider how long ago that was.

Lets move onto my next goals

New Goals

Right now I only have 3 submersibles. As such. I might just build a fourth one before I unlock the next prototype. Since I have two excess submersible components. I should only need to build two more shark components and grab the extra shark components I will get from replacing. Unlocking a fourth sub wouldn’t be too hard.

The next goal for other crafting stuff will be the other half of my indagator’s set. Although, I’m considering on if I should craft the tools or go for the resplendent ones. No idea on what would be better.

These ultimately will become my new goal on the crafting side of things.

In terms of the combat related stuff. I really need to get a level 90 dps job at some point. I think the highest I ever gotten was level 60. Technically I have a higher one, but they started at level 70. Regardless, I plan on eventually getting one up to level 90. One day…

An odd direction

So. I decided it would be peculiar to try and remove all of the names above npcs, objects and other players. (Excluding combat)

The main reason being, I thought it would be more immersive to play the game this way. It might force me to play the game under a new light. Not only that. Its nice to also remove clutter on the screen as well. No idea on how it will play out, but I might describe a bit on the experience a little later down the line.


Looks like that will be all for today. I don’t know why, but it feels like this post is longer than normal. Although from inspecting the word count. Its not that long in comparison. I wonder why in a way.

Before you run off into the abyss known as the internet. Let me present you an rather peculiar image.

It appears that I’ve been hunted by the Reapers of old. Although, I doubt it would amount to much since the fools can’t seem to keep their gripe on their scythe. Probably because they aren’t willing to slay an innocent popoto. I mean Lalafell.

Anyhow, I hope you folks have a good day/night!