Heavensward [3.0]: Post may contain potential spoilers.

Hyperstellar Downconverter

I have no idea on what this is suppose to be. Its on its own island with very little purpose. Spoilers but chances are. I’m going to have zero idea as to what the majority of this stuff is. So yeah most of these posts are going to become wastelands due to having no clue as to what they could serve for. Although, I do intend on adding a little something to these posts hopefully for the foreseeable future.

A new challenge

A long time ago, I mentioned about doing little stories for these posts. Atleast it was an excuse to add something to these posts. However, another reason for doing them was because I want to get back into writing stories. The problem is that I couldn’t get myself to do it for a very long time. The closest “story” I’ve made since doing these posts was the tree chopping ventures with my character. Beyond that I’ve done nothing. However, I intend to do something similar to what I do with these screenshots. Just like how I challenged myself to make a screenshot a day (Its not that much of a challenge anymore). I’m going to write a very small story every day along with the screeenshots. The stories won’t necessarily have a relation with the screenshots.

The current plan is to spend about 10 minutes everyday to type a story. There’s 3 main points I want to achieve with each story. Firstly, I need to create a setting. It doesn’t need to be anything crazy. It could be just an apple on a table nothing more. Secondly, I need to create problem. A problem could be anything like how there’s no one there to eat said apple. Maybe its sentient and wants friends before it dies in 3 minutes from that human coming ever closer to it. Lastly, there needs to be a lesson. To be quite honest, I don’t really know how to explain this one.

Lets say for example there’s this apple laying on a white wooden table. Its completely content with laying there and enjoying the night skies. An unfathomable amount of time passes and the apple conviently lays there unmoving and begins to ponder if something different is going to happen. Unable to move nor speak. The apple becomes stressed and attempts to take some kind of action. Through its belligerent decisions. The apple begins to rot. It loses its little green leaf that the apple has always considered to be their hat. Shocked and awe rushes through their mind. Uncertain on how to further proceed they stop all actions and once more stare up in the skies. The skies unflinching to the apple’s conundrum. It once more debates on whether it should do something. In that moment. The apple once again loses its tiny little stem that the apple considred to be their hand. Panic rushes through them and eventually decides to no longer take action ever again and once more gaze at the bright sky forevermore. The apple while never rotting once more didn’t realize its full potential. The apple never noticed the gentle wind that constantly blew . It will never know that it could’ve took its own seeds down a new journey that could’ve brought friendship.

Alright that was kind’ve weird at the end. I started to lose thought on what else to say. Now that I have somewhat of a story to work with here. I can now explain a bit on how I want create a lesson. In this case the apple never changes, but its desire to have friends to have something different. It decides to do things it never done before. In this process it begins to lose things it had always liked. Throught desperation the apple decides to never change once more and in turn will never realize their desire for friendship. Sometimes letting things go to experience something better is a necessary choice, but this apple couldn’t go down that path because it didn’t know what was out there to experience in the first place.

The ending of the story was a bit off of what I wanted, but this is more or less why I want to do these more often. I have a problem. I’m too laissez faire with storytelling (For those not knowing what laissez faire means. In this context it essentially means doing very little or the bare minimum.) During in high school I was far more active with making stories partly because the environment I was in encouraged it. The problem now is that I’m no longer in that environment and all the drive coming from it has all but disappeared. There’s many reasons that I can touch onto as to why, but essentially I got lazy or have little motivation. I always wanted to make stories and always wanted to tell them to people, but I can’t do that if I never take a step forward. The ulterior reason for these posts in the first place was just an excuse to get me into typing again (and to also play FFXIV more). Now that I have done over 180 posts. I’m pretty confident that I’ll be able to do these posts consistently for possibly years to come. (Ignoring possible changes to my future). Now that I can consistently make these posts. Its time to spring forth a new challenge. Like I’ve mentioned before. I’m going to spend about 10 minutes each day to make a story. Mind you it doesn’t matter what kind of story it is. All that matters is that I go through the nuance of making a story. If it takes me more than 10 minutes to make a story. I’ll stop at the 10 minute mark and post what I have finished.

I don’t want to dray myself into a rabbit hole of making some convoluted story when that isn’t the goal. I don’t expect any of these stories to be masterpieces. Honestly, there going to be atrocious at first. I’m rusty as hell when it comes to storytelling and not only that. Its been a very long time since I’ve tried to challenge myself in this way. Making these stories are going to be a chore, but thats fine. I want to have fun making stories, but I also need consistency to better my skills and interests. If I just make some story up in my head and never tell anyone in any form, then whats the point of that story?

So yeah, This challenge will be apart of these posts every day. I’m going to follow the same policy of not making a buffer in order to create a habit. Don’t expect good stories they might be interesting, but my focus isn’t going to make something coherent. The goal is to go through the nuance of making a story. It could take months for me to build a habit of this. All I will say is that like all of my other projects. This is just a personal goal and challenge of mine. If you want to follow along reading and or watching me fling dirt at a wall. I won’t stop you, but I do want to at some point fling gold instead of dirt. Only time will tell.

And 30 minutes have gone by and less than 15 minutes left for this post. I’m going to argue that the apple story is my story for today. I will also post a test story that I had made at around the same time yesterday so that I don’t get too many people bickering in their minds. Funnily enough, this story actually ties a little bit into my own personal obstacles with story telling. I won’t be explaining the logic behind the story, but I think you should get a rough idea of what I wanted to tell.


Journeying throught out many lands. Once taken a step onto vast plains. Once taken a step onto steep canyons. Once taken a step onto a shore. Taken many steps once on various things. However, never once taken a step twice on any of them. The reasons will always be varied, but it was clear that a force prevented further experience. No matter how much effort is involved taking that one additional step always fails. Even if one could see the vast possibilites. None could ever trek beyond the safety of that first step. Ignorance is bliss was the phrased used by them. Never once venturing beyond haven. They felt content that everything was experienced even if it felt shallow in the end. They will never know what its like to experience if one were to never delve beyond that first step. For as many lands there are. Most see it at face value and will never think beyond that. Until the day when one fueled by curiosity and imagination took that second step. Then the entire society was upheaved for eons only for it to once again stall and never delve beyond that first step.