’[3.0] Heavensward’D: Post may contain potential spoilers.

Stone, Sky, Sea

Well then. There are a few things that I want to talk about in regards to the Hydaelyn Preservation Project. The first thing is that I want to further expand on how I format and record the environments. The main thing is that I want to include “chapters” using one of the Youtube features to make it easier for people to jump between different points of the video. The question is how do I define a chapter? Thats easy! I just use the name of the area that I am recording. Becasue of this, I have piled up my work even more. The reason being the fact that since I will be including area names of future videos. I might as well get a recording of every single area in the zone. That can quite easily be over 10 different areas per zone. I don’t want to make these general zone videos over 1 hour. Although I should, considering the fact that A single day in FFXIV is 70 minutes long.

I’ll debate about that when I start working on the next area. On that note, I will start work on the next zone tomorrow. Although, I may not finish and upload it till wednesday. The main reason being that I have a few plans to do on Monday and I work on Tuesday. Wednesday is the next closest day off for me. Regardless, I plan on uploading the next one by Wednesday.

More accursed reasons for the Hydaelyn Preservation Prokect

Here’s another thing that I should clarify. One of the other reasons why I am even doing this project is because I just want to. No more reasons beyond that is necessary for me to justify why this project exists. To be quite honest, I feel partially that this Screenshot a day will satisfy the requirements of presvation for me. This new workflow is sort’ve an excuse to spend more time in FFXIV and I want to do something different than just screenshots. I do really hope that people will enjoy these videos in some form or another. I’m a bit paranoid and haven’t even touched the video nor the youtube studio thing for the entire day so far. I doubt there’s any significant changes in the views. Last time I checked it was at 5 views, but it was all me double checking the video and what not.

Honestly, I think what sort’ve inspired me to do this is partly due to the fact that the devs intend on revamping some of the visuals for the next expansion and that I used to play a game called firefall. Now if any one remembers that game and have played it to any extent even towards its final days. Oh boy that was a clusterfuck of a game. I still want to play that game even if it will never come back. Thankfully, there’s a spirtual successor in the works right now called EM-8ER. I think about a year or two ago. One of the devs posted asking for any footage of firefall, so that they can review some of the mechanics that the game had. I did recall having some videos in the past, but could never find them. It made me a bit sad that I never had recorded more of the game for prosperity sakes. Because of Firefall’s demise it given me some inspiriation to try and preserve some of the aspects of Final Fantasy XIV. While once again, there’s a ton of content out there for Final Fantasy XIV and in some ways what I’m doing is redundant. However, I feel like there is some importance to still try proceeding with this project.

I think that will be all for today. I might have a bit more to discuss for tomorrow’s post. Either way, I hope you folks have a good day/night.