’[3.0] Heavensward’D: Post may contain potential spoilers.

Saint Mocianne’s Arborteum

I’ve been working on a “little” project. Its not entirely little, but its nothing crazy. Although, I’m not entirely certain if this is an already explored concept or not. If it is, then I need to further expand upon this project. Actually, I just browsed a tad online and it appears that others have done this idea before. However, I think I can flesh out the concept a bit more.

Unfortunately, I want to go into detail as to what I am working on, yet at the same time I rather keep it a surprise for some. Once again, its nothing special and I don’t expect alot of traction with it. The only reason why I am doing it is because I think it will help give people an perspective of the game they could be missing. Its something that I had mentioned a while back with these posts. To put it quite simply, I think taking screenshots help demonstrate some of the beauties of this game. I never want to modify the visuals of the game (outside of what tools are present in the game itself). Using something like GShade (I think thats what its called) somewhat detracts and ruins the experience for the average player. Not that its bad by any means, but because it harms the expectations of the game. There’s no issue if someone wants to alter the visual experience. However, an outsider may be given a false perspective because of it.

There’s actually a video from a rather renown youtuber that goes by the name of Etho (Etho’s Lab) atleast in the minecraft community that goes into detail as to why they stick with the default textures of the game even though its very easy to alter it. I wish I knew what episode he mentions it on, but he essentially boils it down to that he doesn’t want to put on a facade for the game. He could very easily do so (which he technically altered the default textures a tad due to misaligned pixels), but took against that stance since he wants a new player experience to be the same as to what they see on his videos.

That’s all I can recall from that video which is probably 5-8 years old now. I essentially took on that same perspective. Another reason why I am doing this which isn’t the core one, but important nevertheless. Its quite simply due to the fact that the game will be upgrading its visuals with the 7.0 expansion release. As such these posts and my other project will help to serve as a way to archive that old visual experience and to also use these posts as a way to compare the differences between the two as most as possible.

I hope you folks found some interest with this post. Its a bit on the rambling side, but nevertheless it should bring some wonder as to what this project of mine is. Honestly, already in hindsight. I may have bitten more than I can chew with this project. If I can get the first one to work fairly well. It might be a worthwhile success. Regardless, one thing’s for certain. This project will not be daily posts like the current one you are reading. Ideally, I would like it to be weekly. From my count, I have 57 areas that I need to do and if I do one area a week. That will equate to a little over a year.

Ouch, I might need to do more than a week in that case. This will be ardrous task nevertheless. I just hope people will appreciate this one over my daily posts. Essentialy, I have to do all of the potential areas in probably one year or less.

Yeah… I hope this gets a bit easier over time.