[3.0] Heavensward: Post may contain potential spoilers.

Disappearing Falls

Imagine if this is the canonical explanation as to how clouds form in FFXIV. The only reason why I say this is because its water that falls and disappears into the clouds. Not only that, there isn’t any clouds above (Even if the zone is called Sea of Clouds). Just saying just imagine this being the only source of clouds.

Solarian Nations Part 1

Now I am just going be tossing out a few ideas for some of the nations in Solarian. There’s no order behind what I say or any reason why I decide to talk about that. Its mainly just meant to give you some idea on what that nation is and possibly gives you an idea what kind of state its in right now.

Casian Empire

Also known as the Land of the Dragons. They have nearly conqured all of the western continent due to its aerial might. The society hierarchy currently stands with Dragons and dragonborns being at the top while everyone else being below them. The Casian Empire is a far more militaristic nation than most and have demonstrated that throughout its decades of conquest. Only recently have the nation begun to destabilize due to the ever vigilant Ruhan and Alis Nations. Due to their prior failures against those nations. Casian has became a far more of a meritocracy. This has allowed various races besides dragonborns to rise up the ranks (primarily through military careers) into fairly high positions and has even brought greater freedoms to its general populous including those that were annexed. Due to the ever increasing peacefulness of the Casian Empire. Its within possiblity that the nation may come to be reshaped under a new nation.

However, being part of the “Twin Empires” One of its grave enemies is that of the Ermor Empire. Its quite clear that the neighboring nations have created tighter bonds with Casian due to Ermor’s sharpening of their fangs. Its very possible that if Ruhan were to be invaded. Casian would most likely get involved with the war even directly.

The Twin Empires Era

To be quite frank, I didn’t plan for this to happen. I think the world map that was generated from Azgaar’s Fantasy map generator served as an excellent tool to create this situation. I wasn’t certain if I should’ve allowed to large empires to exist at the same time. Clearly, I decided to take the idea and turn into a significant point in time for the world’s history. Two massive empires on opposing continents. Only a small nation in between them. Who will bare their fangs against the other first? To be quite frank, I want the players to make that decision. I want to see how they interact between these two nations and how it will shape the rest of the world. Its possible for them to quell these two empires without a major war between them.

I kind’ve already mentioned that the Casian Empire political atmosphere has started to change internally due to stagnation of their conquest. If no major war were to break out with Ermor or Alis. Its very likely that Casian shall bring forth a change to themselves. The only reason I didn’t mention Ruhan is because if either Ermor or Casian were to invade the other empire will get involved.

If I were to say the most peaceful approach that players could take is if they go into Ermor and cause a civil war large enough to nearly shatter their entire nation. Ermor is without a doubt the most destablized nation outside of Torland. It would be fairly simple to cause a civil war the only challenge would to rally a large enough of a force to make an impact. I’ll delve a bit more into Ermor tomorrow, but just know that kickstarter the wheel of revolution will not be easy for Ermor.

Oh yeah, I forgot there’s another “peaceful” solution between the two empires. The only reason why I wish not to say is because of a significant spoiler to the story at a whole. I’ll just say that there are some benefits in trying to keep the two empires at peace.

That will be all today. Hope you folks will have a good day/night.

Oh yeah I just posted this, but realized that I was an idiot and didn’t even realized that I misspelled disappearing. Had to fix that otherwise I would’ve went insane.